Discussion in 'Other Ghost Security Software' started by Greetings To All, Dec 5, 2005.

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  1. Hi -

    Please keep up the good work!

    I'm a bit baffled though because I can't figure out how to use the IP Block
    List. I did look for help on it & couldn't find any.

    Could you please help me out?

    Thanks & Have a nice day.
  2. gottadoit

    gottadoit Security Expert

    Jul 12, 2004
    Hi Greetings To All,
    I am fairly sure that the IP Block List is a feature that hasn't yet been implemented.
    If you click on "IP Block List" in the "Options" portion of the gui GW pops up a dialog saying "Not implemented yet"
  3. Hi gottadoit,

    Yes, that is the message that came up when I clicked on it but, I was
    thinking it meant that I didn't implement my list first.
    Just a duh moment for me I guess but, thank you very much for replying
    to my post.

    Have a very nice day & I hope you have a happy, healthy Christmas &
    New Year.
  4. Switchblade

    Switchblade Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    With this being brought up, Is there any propsected date for blocklist support in GW?

    I only started using GW a few weeks ago as a solution to my expired ZoneAlarm and have found no end to its usefulness and ability to report great statistics on activity, adding the block list functionality would exponentially improve my faith in it.

  5. AJohn

    AJohn Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2004
  6. Switchblade

    Switchblade Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    I probably should have indicated i use Protowall. Even though i have a Router, Protowall, Ghostwall and a 66% internet blocklist on Azureus when i download torrents i'd still like to have GW have the same functionality...whether it would make any difference in my current security's usefulness isnt really an issue...just another method of blocking unwanted traffic.

    So back to my original question, is the Blocklist function in the pipeline with any estimated date?
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