FW bypassing etc

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by StevieO, Jan 30, 2006.

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  1. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    Interesting article on FW bypassing etc.

    . . .

    Outpost Firewall Pro

    In this document it will be briefly told about some features of firewall Agnitum Outpost Pro, initial representation about merits and demerits will be given, some technical details confirming legitimacy of the point of view of the author will be produced.

    The author is surprised with an existing situation when users of the software, choose this or that software being based on data received from the advertising information. The resulted data frequently do not meet reality. This situation decreases potential security of computers, thus unfair manufacturers of the software sacrifice interests of users, receiving in exchange financial profit.

    Firewall from company ZoneLabs, intercepts more potentially dangerous functions:

    ~removed link to malware development site per TOS....Bubba~

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2006
  2. googleeye

    googleeye Guest

    The link don't work for me with firefox
  3. SSK

    SSK Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2004
    It did for me earlier, but it seems the site is down or something. Fx / IE6 can't get to the site :)
  4. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Same here...
  5. mvdu

    mvdu Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2003
    So was this saying that ZoneAlarm is a better firewall, or what?
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