I have asked this sometime in the past.........i ask again because after installing 2.100 i had to create a new firewall rule.....in the past i was told that it is fine to allow PE internet access...............i am now allowing PE FULL access......it this safe to do......
Hello Rainwalker, I asked expert the same question and here is the reply. Method II is safest. Note you can find the DNS server provided by your ISP by the following. Open command prompt/ type: "IPconfig /all" without quotes. You will see the DNS server address. There should be 2 of them. Be sure you list the first address and then the second address. Donot enter by range. You must also enter it the way it is shown in ipconfig. Choose to enter individually. The reason you must not choose ranged IP is because the IP addresses in between your *** and *** is not assigned by your ISP to you. The *** is the last 3 numbers.