from Marcos: This smells like a trolling so stop bashing NOD32 without a proof. I'm woroking with samples on a daily basis and see dozens of false positives from other AVs. If you have come across a false positive, just submit it to samples[at] and it will be fixed. The thread is closed now. He is bashing all other AV's by it self, and then he tells me that i do.... I was just speaking the truth, nod32 has most of all other AV's false positive, i have tested myself with all antivirus products. And Marocs everytime we speak about nod32, you must bash other AV's , ncnc not so good.
So you are the owner of the truth? take a look at And please, don´t tell me about your lame tests.
Ladies & Gents, no private discussions here please! If you have a problem with Marcos feel free to contact him via PM. Thread closed.