Free User License For NOD32v2. Now What?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Graystoke, Aug 11, 2003.

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  1. Graystoke

    Graystoke Guest

    Ok I've got another decision to make.

    After just installing PCC 2003 last week, I was just informed a few minutes ago by e-mail that I was a winner of a single user license for NOD32v2 from Who would have thunk it. :rolleyes: I never win anything.

    Now what do I do? o_O

    I guess I should give NOD32v2 a try, right? I'm sure that is what I'm going to do. It's just that I'm not very familiar with NOD32.

    Here we go again. Need some input. How does it compare with PCC 2003?

    By the time I get back here, I will probably have PCC uninstalled and NOD 32 installed, so I will have some ideas of my own.
  2. JimIT

    JimIT Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    Denton, Texas
    NOD32 is fast becoming the measuring stick by which other av's are judged for ITW detection rates.

    NOD32 Pros:
    *VERY light on system resources. Lighter than PCC.
    *Unsurpassed ITW virus detection. Second to none.
    *New interface is MUCH improved over v.1 IMO.

    NOD32 Cons:

    *Weak unpacking. Probably weaker than PCC. A good AT is definitely recommended.

    PCC Pros:

    *Excellent ITW virus detection.
    *Better-than-average Trojan detection.
    *Top-notch database updating and customer support.

    PCC Cons:

    *Weak unpacking.

    These are my opinions only. You might try running them alongside each other and perhaps using PCC as a backup on-demand to see how they "play together".
  3. Graystoke

    Graystoke Guest


    I didn't expect a response so soon from anyone. I was just going to edit my post to the effect that I was going to hold off on installing NOD for now. After the initial shock of actually winning something wore off, I've calmed down enough to think rationally. :D I'm very happy with PCC 2003 and I don't want to try out any other AVs at this time.

    I appreciate all the time you took to put together that list. It is very informative. You've been very helpful.

    And thanks to Wilders for giving me the chance to win a nice AV like NOD.
  4. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    You are entitled to give away the license (foolish thing to do, but that's merely my humble opinion ;) ) I'm convinced you'll provide the lucky one a better protection in regard to ITW viruses then anyone using PC-Cillin :D.


  5. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    To Hobnob: LOL. You can do like I do, I take turns using two different antivirus; one of them is Nod, it's fun playing with both of them (just make sure you don't run both at the same time).

    To Paul: so we can give away our winnings? I won LooknStop firewall but my email warns me not to install it if I have another firewall on my pc, which I do. How would I give it to someone?

  6. Graystoke

    Graystoke Guest

    Hi Paul.

    Let me again say thank you for the free license to NOD32v2. I hope I didn't sound ungrateful because of what I said about not installing it at this time.

    I have no plans to give it away to anyone. It's all mine. :D Who knows, the way my mind works I might be installing it tonight. I usually do things on the spur of the moment. It gets me in trouble some times, but it can be fun. :D
  7. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Shame on you - LooknStop is top of the bill! ;). As for giving away a license: for NOD32 winners it's rather easy: don't install and provide the license info to you're beloved ;). As for other software: email will be needed with the software vendor.


    No prob - it's yours, feel free to do as you please!


  8. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Hmmmm, interesting. Just got done doing some searching on Goggle, indeed, seems to be well liked. I might have to play with it after all. Only problem is that my current firewall also kills all ads and popups for me. Thanks.

  9. Graystoke

    Graystoke Guest

    Is NOD32v2 pretty easy to configure and then just let it run and do its thing? Does it have automatic daily virus updates?

    Should I be asking these questions at the NOD forum? :)
  10. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    "Yes" to all three. <g>

  11. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    NOD 32 is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It has been automatically updating itself almost on a daily basis since I downloaded it. It has slowed loading of some of my programs but they are supposed to be working on the Exclusion problem with AMON. It is no problem to set up and run.
  12. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    ...should I read the FAQ over on , have a look at screen caps over there and instructions? :D - wouldn't hurt a bit :cool:


  13. DanMan

    DanMan Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2003

    I've been trying to talk my wife into letting me get this for the past 6 weeks and you are debating giving it away , sigh :'(
  14. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    I must admit that I am intrigued by what I’ve been reading about this program, I might just try it. But my current firewall also takes care of ads so I’m checking into blocklists for my AdShield. It just kind of feels kind of strange getting rid of a program that I’ve had now for three years and has never given me any problems. BUT, Norton has officially discontinued support for my version of NIS, so I just might make the jump to LooknStop. BTW, when your wife complains about spending $40 on a firewall, ask her how much it might cost if an identity thief gets his Trojan into your system.

  15. DanMan

    DanMan Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2003
    Hehe my wife is so computer illiterate if I mention 40 dollars and trojan in the same sentence she would ask me why the hell I need that many condoms.

    Seriously though, I'm using Nod, Boclean, Kerio and a NAT firewall thats in my router, I've just been chomping at the bits to change over to LnS. I'll be interested in hearing how smooth (or how not so smooth) the transition is for you.
  16. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    LOL. If I do this, and I'm now leaning in that direction, I might wait until the weekend because I'm going to want to do a complete backup before I mess with something like this. I'll let you know.

  17. Madsen DK

    Madsen DK Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2002
    ROFL :D :D
    DanMan. Nice one Haa haaaa
    Wife, trojan condom 40 dollars :D :D :D
  18. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    Said by Jim IT:

    >NOD32 Pros:
    *VERY light on system resources. Lighter than PCC.

    Not true in my experience on ny W98SE box. I have a license for both. At boot with PCCC 2003, resources are at 86%. With NOD32, and NO IMON installed, resources are at 82%. With Windows graphics on, which is the default, resources drop to 76% at boot! So, just as in the beta, Windows graphics must be turned off and should not be on by default on W98 x boxes. Even with Windows graphics turned off, NOD32 uses more resources than does PCC 2003. There would be even more use of resources if I had IMON installed. PCC is the second lightest on resources. McAfee 7 is the lightest of all as when I tried it I had 89% free resources at boot. (With each of these, I had the same applications loading at boot). Of course, the amount of resources used is not the only consideration when choosing an av. I am using NOD 32 presently...not PCC and certainly not McAfee. I am very happy with NOD32 but it does use considerably more resources than did version one (and I was running the POP3 scanner when using version one). I think Eset should allow those who want to use version one to be able to do because of the much lighter resource use in version 1 on older OSes.

    :D Gee, I wish the bug that translates ME to equal Mele20 could be fixed! I keep forgetting about it and posting and seeing all of my post beyond where I mention Windows ME as instead mentioning Mele20 and being in RED color. I have changed it to W98x instead. :)
  19. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    >> I wish the bug that translates ME to equal Mele20 could be fixed!

    Yes, that feature is a real pain, isn't it? And, I've yet to find any valid use for it. They're called the ME tags for inserting a member ID automatically, but it's really not terribly useful. :rolleyes:

    The best work-arounds are either to reverse the sequence we all generally use and do: ME/9x (or ME/9:cool: instead of 9x'slash'ME, like we usually see. Or, use the backslash: 9x\ME.

    Unfortunately, short of hacking up the forum software, we can't change that feature.
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