Free AV W/Boot Scan for Win98?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by LambChop, Feb 2, 2006.

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  1. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    I was going to use the Avast program as someone else has done -- but, I cannot upgrade my Wins98se system yet.

    So, I am stuck - very few options out there, Avast like many others, will only do a boot scan on versions higher than Win98. :'(

    If anyone knows of a 'free' AntiVirus that has a boot scan and an easy to understand operation -- please let me know o_O
  2. snowie

    snowie Guest

    AVG does a boot scan on win98.........................

  3. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

    Question if I may:

    are you absolutely certain Avast does not do a boot scan on win98......had thought that it did??
  4. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    Thank you for the reply Snowie :)

    I used AVG some years ago before I went to AntiVir-- AVG cut some many options:
    As noted below, from their 'web-free' site
    updating became a real pain -- because free users come in "last" on the servers -- that is not good protection IMO --:rolleyes:

    As the 'yes/no' below shows -- they make it look as though I would not have much protection unless I purchase their product -- which at the moment is not possible. :'(

    Product feature AVG Professional AVG Free
    License Commercial Use Home Use Only
    24/7 Technical support yes no
    High-speed and High-capacity Download Servers yes no
    Multiple language support yes no
    OEM installations yes no
    Remote Administration Network Edition no
    Reliable anti-virus scanning engine yes yes
    Run on Windows server yes no
    Virus updates via Internet yes yes
    Advanced scheduling of updates yes no
    Advanced scheduling of scanning yes no
    Automatic internet detection yes yes
    User defined tests and schedules yes no
    Resident Shield Exclusions yes no
    Support for Alternate Update Servers yes no
    Advanced User Interface Settings yes no
    Advanced Test Properties yes no
    Advanced Test Center Interface yes no
    Detailed Test Result History yes no

    I may have to go back to them anyway -- and tough the update stuff out!
    Thanks again for your reply!
    Have a great day!
  5. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    Yes, as noted below from their site:

    "System Integration

    avast! antivirus features outstanding integration into your system. A scan can be started directly from Windows Explorer, by clicking a folder or a file with your right mouse button and selecting the corresponding choice from the menu.

    A special screen-saver is also provided, that, when running, performs virus scanning. avast! antivirus works together with your favorite screen-saver, so you don't have to change your personal settings to use it.

    A new option with this release is the boot-time scan (Windows NT/2000/XP/.NET only). This important feature allows a user to instigate scanning before a virus is activated, in the case that a virus is suspected to be active on your computer already. "

    As the "A new option" -- boot-scan and several other options are only available to [Win NT/2000/XP/.NET]!
  6. Snowie

    Snowie Guest


    you are most welcome......sorry for not being of more help......but did just take a look at AVG.........its not so bad really....the update problem of months ago has been I understand........if you can't located anything else give it a try....what the heck....

    There is also AntiVir free.....but I don't know if it boots scan......a new version was recently released at:

    Best Of Luck

  7. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    Yes, Snowie -- that 'new' version of AntiVir is what is causing me to seek free anti-virus program elsewhere.

    Since I do not wish to get "hate-mail" like another poster who expressed concerns etc. -- I will not elaborate! :rolleyes:

    I will just say that I know nothing about how these programs are developed etc. so, I am not qualified to make knowledgible comments as to that -- I just know that Version 6 was great for me -- Version 7 is not -- enough said on that!

    Thanks again for your replies!
    Have a great day!
  8. StevieO-

    StevieO- Guest

    Yes AntiVir 6 and 7 both do a boot scan. With AV6 you can test this by right clicking the tray icon and launching " Start AntiVir Main Program" It goes straight into a self test which shows everything it does and checks to make sure that all is ok.

    As far as i can remember AVG also does a boot scan, and i would be very surprised and concerned if all AV's do not !

  9. Snowie

    Snowie Guest


    Well you have me curious now...LOL......nevertheless......each person should use a Program they feel comfortable with.....good or bad..its their choice.......I sincerely hope you can locate an anti virus program to your particular the mean time....if you do not now have an AV installed.........try a trial version of a shareware.....until you can locate a free AV of your choice.



    Thanks for posting the information.........

  10. vlk

    vlk AV Expert

    Dec 26, 2002

    This is not exactly accurate, because avast is in fact THE ONLY AV that has a boot-time scan feature for Windows NT/2000/XP!
  11. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    Excuse Me!
    The statement I made was - "that Avast does not do a bootscan in Win98se" - and as you will see -- it DOES NOT!

    And, further -- each of the Windows versions that it does do a boot scan in are most EXACTLY versions that came AFTER, WHICH MAKES THEM HIGHER than version Win98se!

    So, where is my 'not exactly accurate' statement? o_O
  12. vlk

    vlk AV Expert

    Dec 26, 2002

    The "like many others" part. Sorry for not being clear...;)

    BTW I can confirm that avast does NOT have a boot time scan feature for Windows 9x/ME.
  13. masqueofhastur

    masqueofhastur Registered Member

    Nov 19, 2005
    You could give runtimeware's Sentinel a shot to do a boot time scan with Avast
  14. StevieO-

    StevieO- Guest

    I have both of these running on boot every day. Startest is specifically aimed at the MBR, so will exactly fit your criteria. Watcher is similar to Sentinel just mentioned by masqueofhastur. All three are fine Apps.

    . . .

    Startest 3.5

    The purpose of this program is early detection of infection from boot viruses and to provide a daily check of system critical files. When computer starts, it reads informations stored into first sectors of the hard disk, a necessary procedure for a correct system startup. Many viruses, adding themselves to boot code, take advantage of this mechanism in order to gain control of the machine and replicate themselves to infect as many computers as possible. Every times Startest 3.5 is run, a comparison is made between current MBR\boot sectors and the configuration detected during initial setup process, alerting for changes. In case of changes, the program extracts the added or changed code in hexadecimal format, offering the possibility of notification to the free services of anti-virus software houses.


    The way Watcher works is pretty simple: basically, it starts by taking a snapshot of important parts of your Windows system; then it tracks changes (every time you log in, or whenever you want to). When a change is detected, you are notified.

  15. LambChop

    LambChop Guest

    Many Thanks StevieO- for the information and the links -- I will check them out tomorrow I am sure one of them will do very nicely!
    Hope you have a good day!
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