Free Antivirus Realtime Scanners

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by FatalChaos, Dec 31, 2005.

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  1. FatalChaos

    FatalChaos Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2005
    Which free antiviruses have the best real time scanner (including antivir 7 beta w/ beta heurestics engine?). I'm just wondering cause i use antivir and bit defender 8.0 free as on demand scanners, but i haven't really found a site that compares free antivirus real time scanners.
  2. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    Most of the sites only test on-demand scanning.

    The University Magdeburg tests on-access scanners but some of these tests are quite old now. So you won't find a site comparing the RTM's of free AV's

    Of the 3 major free scanners, I would pick either Avast or AntiVir. Both will give you good protection.

    But your present combination of AntiVir and BItDefender Free as backup seem a good combination for now.
  3. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I agree with BC -- Avast or AntiVir both have excellent real-time monitors. Between these two, AntiVir has arguably the stronger heuristics.
  4. Arup

    Arup Guest

    Avast is phenomenally good, offers stuff no other free AV can match, only few minor modules are disabled as compared to their pro version.
  5. Albinoni

    Albinoni Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    Perth, Western Australia
    Now this is something that really puzzled me. I installed Avast Home edition on my Fathers PC and did a full scan on his 20GB HDD. Now Avast picked up 6 viruses (God knows how long they've been in there) but previously he had McAfee and I was quite shocked to see that McAfee previosuly didnt pick up any of these. Now I'm not saying here its McAfee's fault but more so my Fathers. Here's the reason. When his McAfee expired a long time ago, he replaced it with AVG Free later on, than that expired he left it and basically put it there was not no protection what so ever, so i.e a open computer.

    Before I installed and configured Avast Home for him I had to uninstall AVG as it was totally out dated.

    The good new is that he's now happy and the PC is running better than what it was.:)
  6. kannutipper

    kannutipper Registered Member

    Feb 6, 2005
    HI WHY?what was wrong with AVG, could it now be simply up-dated, is/was that the free AV, which I have & it seems Ok. + k
  7. So, what if you were using Avast at the start, and then installed McAfee. If it picked up viruses would you be shocked?
  8. SwordOfSecurity

    SwordOfSecurity Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    i personally dont like avg since the free version is pretty much junk to me. the real-time protection for that is basically not even decent real-time protection since it only scans files you are basically opening and nothing else. i also didnt like the interface and its results in several tests i've seen on AV's was quite for avast, i personally love it! great real-time protection on it, however its normal scans are a bit slow, yet thorough (but i don't mind since i usually do them while im away for a while)
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