Forum showing part of my IP address..

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by NetTraveler, Aug 8, 2008.

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  1. NetTraveler

    NetTraveler Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Amsterdam Netherlands
    Hi guys..
    I have a question.. I'm joining one of forums, and in all posts from all members you can see part of posters IP address. Something like; IP:
    It's not that I'm worried about anything but it seem to me like they are in a way violating members privacy.
    Now, we had a great discussion about this and mod's at forum are saying that it doesn't really matter and it's like showing your car registration plate.. Nobody can't do anything with it.
    I still think it's at least unethical to show (part of) private information for others to see. Specially because admin and mods can see members IP at all times..
    Do you guy's think it's security hole? I'm curious to hear your meaning on subject..

    Greetz, NT
  2. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
    Flame bait question. You'll get a different answer from everyone you ask.

    RIAA arguments depend on the concept that you can track an IP to one individual.

    Google (I believe, could be wrong) argues that IPs can't be tied to one individual, and isn't private information.

    With NAT, I side with the fact that it can't be tied, only to an account because any number of machines can be sitting behind it.

    As long as they obscure the last block, you should be fairly OK. Of course, if you have no defenses set up then its bad for you. But if you have firewalls, etc in place like everyone should have, then seeing the IP that they are showing shouldn't matter too much.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    There are actually forums and groups that show the entire IP address - rare, but they exist. Some show the registered email address. In my experience though, most don't force the display of such information. Does their privacy policy say anything about that?

    If I were ever to setup such a site, I would show no more than the first two octets myself. Showing three of them really zeros in a little too much on an individual. Of course, I would make sure everyone knew that they were going to be displayed before they posted.
  4. noone_particular

    noone_particular Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    If a forum that showed the first 3 octets of my IP, I'd post to it using an anonymous proxy.

    If your IP is static, it is personally identifiable. If it's dynamic, they'd need assistance from your ISP to identify you.
  5. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
    My IP is relatively static.. Its officially dynamic but hasn't changed in over a year. I don't consider it personally identifiable because there are more than just me behind it. (NAT rocks.)

    Add a TOR client/server setup and then they would really have difficulty proving it was you since it could be anyone coming across that.

    I'm not trying to argue it out, just giving an alternative opinion.
  6. Fontaine

    Fontaine Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2008
    It's more than just you behind the router, right? So, if you have a router at home, it can be anyone with computers on that network? So if your IP was logged in a forum, then it just means someone from your home network was posting to that forum?

    (heading to the net to get smarter on NAT)
  7. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
  8. noone_particular

    noone_particular Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    My IP isn't static according to my ISP, but it's never changed in 3 years. Since no one else shares it, it's definitely identifiable as mine, no matter who is using the computer or how many PCs I have on a home network. Compared to the dialup days where it changed many times per day, it's very identifiable. IMO, if it still points back to you, it's personal info that only occasionally changes.
    I probably should have said it's identifiable with the person who pays for the internet service, not the one using the PC.
  9. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
    Actually, it was just as identifable back then depending on configuration because the DCHP server could register what login was assigned what IP. No less identifable than todays.
  10. Fly

    Fly Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2007
    It's better for you if your IP is not posted, even if it's static. Personally identifiable ? Tough question, even if you use the NAT argument (home situation), do you want the people in your houshold to be targeted ?

    But Wikipedia posts someone's IP address if you are not registered. I'm not sure if that only pertains to the discussion forum.
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