Bravo ~ Not bad, wildman !! I, ehm...feel a little left out lately tho... wouldn't be able to make my eyes sparkle, would you ?? - or anyone ?? All avatars seem to LIVE !! And mine is DEAD !!! Lingering lifeless in Louisville, lonely Nat
Ronjor my hero !!!! Can you do anything with this one ? I love the dark raven~lady. Have to resort to fav fantasy pics again as I don't have a color pic ready yet. I'd really really appreciate it. Oh, and eyes must be visible So...any sparkle anywhere would be cool !
bigbuck needs to weigh in on this request. More color. Hope you don't the hijacking of your thread Wildman.
Yes Wildman...please excuse me/us for butting into your thread !! Ron.......I like !! Now...if only bigbuck would add the sparkle for me, that would be great !! Please remember: The Eyeess must "stick" out ! THANX!
What a funny picture, Ron!!! Do you mind if I give it a try, Nat? maybe, later on tonight
OMG LOL !!! For some reason I didn't see this pic !! That's hillarious ! I just love it when people take everything I say litterally ! Well BB ~ You wanna take the challenge and make my eyes sparkle ? That's fine with me and I'd appreciate it !! Have fun.
no ani, just worked on the pic....someone else can maybe do sparkle on this, as I don't really play with ani much at all... TAS
Welllllllllllllll.....its time you learned! You are very welcome to check out GP in my'll see many familiar avatars! I might play with that picture you posted.....if ya don't mind.
go for it... Here is the original size one.... just brightened up a bit... I have Photoshop/Image Ready/RealDraw Pro/Paint Shop Pro, etc., just that I am not into the ani side at all. Prefer to just create/manipulate in PS. TAS
Thanks, Wildman! I like them - They're nice. For Nat: I've made the eyes in your current pic slightly yellowish, so it seems like the eyes of a ghost/powerful thing...........