Perhaps the smarties here can figure this out for me cuz I am ready for the looney bin, getting nowhere fast.
It's [GLOW="Red"]BLACK MAGIC[/GLOW] for your's the Devils work.. Cochise,Scared in Scarborough....
Hi, MAJOR EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT. WHENEVER YOU TAKE A 2 DIGIT NUMBER AND SUBTRACT FROM IT YOU GET A NUMBER THAT IS A MULTIPLIER OF 9. ALL RESULTS WILL ALWAYS POINT TO THE SYMBOL THAT IS SHOWN NEAR NUMBER 9. THE REST IS THERE TO CONFUSE. TRY IT. ANY TWO NUMBERS. YOU GET SOMETHING DIVISIBLE BY 9!!!! GOTCHA, BIATCH! :l MY PREVIOUS PONDERINGS: It's very simple. First, notice that symbols change. Think of any number, lets say 25 gives 25-7 = 18. So look where 18 is and think about it constantly. You will notice the sign changes. And is displayed in the ball. Now, why does it always guess correctly? Because there is a limited number of options. Mathematics. Two digit number minus the sum of digits will give you set numbers. That's why there's the limited set of symbols. Mrk P.S. All numbers are give to confuse you. You cannot get 99 for instance, ever, when you take a 2 digit number and subtract their sum. Or 0. And many other numbers. P.S.S. The options will probably always point to a certain number. And then, there's some seriality. Therefore, if you think for instance 43 it will give the same result as 66 or 82 (I'm just throwing numbers). So, if you now where to start you can then guess the rest. P.S.S. There's a cycle of 9 starting from 9 (the lowest possible) and it goes up 9,18,27,etc.. But some other numbers too. I have to figure that one yet.
Yep, that's the trick.... Think of what's going on mathematically. If you divide the number XY by 10, the integer answer is X with a remainder of Y, so what you are doing in the process of taking XY - (X + Y) is first, creating a quantity divisible by 10 (i.e. XY - Y) = 10*X and then subtracting X or 10*X - X = 9*X, hence the answers are a multiple of 9. Blue
Mmmmmm!.......So they say.....Don't be fooled by all this 'Numbers' malarkey's just a trap..........I still say it's the work of the Devil...... Cochise, 666ing in Syria...
Hey Peachy, For once I think Cochise is spot on. If you take what Mrkvonic said and divide it by what Blue Zannetti said any fool can see that the answer is "Q". Figgered it out in Figaro, 5x4=15 ed Ps....avoid the Looney Bin if at all possible. "Baked Bean Man" is down there and it ain't pretty!!
Ah 1 and 1 = eleven. Ah 1 plus 1 = perhaps two. The rest is higher math, and that is what one of the computers function is for, and I seldom use that function. Peaches forget the loony bin, let your computer figure it out. Now what you would do with the information is another question. Perhaps that is why one watches Dr. Phill. Thanks Wildman
After reading all the responses, now I am truly ready for the looney bin. Math has never been a strong point for me and all this X, Y, Zee'ing - oh boy!! Someone please let me out of the straight jacket.
Where does Math come into this?...just use his full name Matthew...whoever he his?...... Now if your talking real figurin' like your taking aways, addings on and up, or your carryings over kind of sums then I'm your just show me any number and I can tell you what it's name is...... Cochise, Figurin' in Figaroa...
According to Buckie it does not make a hill of beans how many digits you manipulate...if you run out of fingers..numbers will never get you Food for thought.
I not only ran out of fingers but toes too. Did you give it a try or did you run out of fingers & quit, primrose?