Firewalls an what they don't do

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by snowman, May 21, 2002.

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  1. snowman

    snowman Guest

            remembering the very first time I encountered the word "firewall" brings a few first reaction..."firewall....what the hell is a firewall"

           since then I have learned a few things about what firewalls are not....and wont just want to share alittle of that light-heartedness....

           firewalls will not fry eggs
           firewalls wont cook toast
           firewalls can't be used to BAR BQ...but a computer may be fryed..toasted...and cooked if you don't use a firewall.......wanted to be clear on that

            firewalls are not viruses scanners....they wont clean any computer of a some case firewalls can be distroyed by a virus.......happy thought huh

           firewalls will not clean any computer of a trojan...a firewall can detect the outbound attempts made by a trojan.....but wont remove the trojan.

           firewalls can be used to impress friends....having a firewall tells your friends that you demand respect for your computer and all therein.....

           firewalls can be used to impress the beautiful ladies......if you respect your computer...the ladies just be incline to think that you will respect them.......of course that should be norm practice.

           firewalls can be used by teenagers to overcome peer presure.....hey anybody can play XBOX...but it takes "THE MAN" or "THE LADY" to properly config a rules the first on your block to have a fine rules firewall.......are you up to it?

           firewalls build self-esteem...there you are with the power to stop a are in control...complete control......or the hacker is if you don't use a firewall...

           ok...I'll step down now....any questions of should you use a firewall should be directed to the toilet....cause thats where your computer may be if you don't use one

                            thanks for the moment
  2. zappa

    zappa Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Los Angeles, Ca.
    I've decided to dump mine.  My security is so tight on my PC I have no worries.  

    Warning-this methodology is not recommended for the Un-Wilder's.

    Snowman, if and when I go back to my firewall I will seek your advice in the config.  I hate the config process.
  3. snowman

    snowman Guest


        yes from your post I've noticed your computer does appear as very secure.

         hey..thanks for the nice compliment..appreciated...however, I must humbly say that it would be better to seek the suggestions of others who are actually using a particular firewall....fortunately we have alot of differant firewall users here at wilders...

          besides....the reason I because I haven't found out how to turn off this darn computer....LOL

  4. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Hey, snowman!  Maybe it's because the '.' key on your machine is stuck!   :D :D :D :D
  5. snowman

    snowman Guest


        KEY??     darnit..those fools where I purchased the computer never gave me any a car key...a key for my brief I need to get those fools to give me my computer electric bill is outragous!!!

  6. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    While you're at it, get one of those 'ANY' keys we're all supposed to hit occasionally.  (Actually, I suspect that Blaze has one!  Most of his posts seem to contain quite a lot of 'ANY'!)   :D
  7. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    Hey my computer really did come with a key! You can lock the side panel on the case...

    it's an ATX-601 AE
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