Although I'm not recommending that anyone try or use this program (it's probably illegal) , I got a kick out of seeing Andreas' post on GRC. From the Readme: "KillWall V1 Freeware; =-------------------= It started out as a project the stopped them skiddies from scanning port 27374 by sending a flood of text to the sub7 client - causing it crash. Since, I borrowed code from here and there to make one of the possibly best free trojan-firewalls around to date. To use; =-----= The main screen displays 6 possible ports. To activate them, merely check the box beside them. By clicking the EXTRA option, you can set the text that will be sent upon connection to that port. The "X-Flood" option will flood that text down that port to whoever is connectiong to you - NOTE:using that is probably illegal as it is port-flooding, but if you're being scanned, then that too is probably illegal Process will display a list of programmes and full path of current processes running. You can terminate any process by highlighting and clicking kill. NetStat displays all current connection activity on your system, and also has the terminate feature. Note that an "AutoRefresh" feature is installed for your convinience Installation problems; =--------------------= Aside of using WinSock, it also uses MSSTDFMT.DLL. This needs to be placed in your windows\system folder and registered by going to start, run, then typing "regsvr32 c:\windows\system\msstdfmt.dll". Another bug is the programme will terminate if the port you select is already in use (maybe by another firewall, or by a trojan) - use the "PROCESS" feature to check " Direct d/l link: Pete
TimeOut - Interesting response to a post on a security forum. Did you also go to GRC and let Andreas know how interesting you thought his post was? ( or ). If you have a point here, please feel free to make it. Good to see you visiting! Pete (Hmm. If indeed this is the 'TimeOut' from DSL, that is!). Pete *Yup, verified that was him via PM at DSL and apologized for - perhaps - sounding a little snippy there!
As Pete also stated, I advice every one NOT to use this ! Don't play with this. Let your firewall do its job !!!
Pete and I go back a hope no other member here gets spooked from posting here...I found it interesting cause flooding is not the answer... as all of us know..but it is getting to the point where even the best behaved are getting frustrated..many of us are pro-active on other fronts in our personal lives" saying we are not going to take this any more"..none of us lay down and let the other guy just walk all over us or our families. I am not rethinking my posistion on how I handle security and privacy..but I have seen other now who have. Most of them have lost $$$ from attacks.
Withstanding attacks without retaliating is the mature choice. Eventually, we hope, the scanners will simply get bored and drift away. The only trouble is, they won't....
i algree as blaze contunes to dowen load the new fire wall note add a nuke orfices and the mrblazelol viruse and were all good to go ps qustion? even if it fights back its still a security program because it defends if it only attack then id say it was hacker ware but it takes the offensives and the defensive like tds right?
qustion is ther other vendictive software out there that protects and attacks an attacker just curiouse
Hi Blaze, I would like to strongly advice you NOT to use that fighting-back-firewall or such a thing! It might be illegal, and you can easily put yourself in big troubles ! Keep in mind: I know persons who got banned by their provider after they did such a thing and their provider found out about it. Besides that, a real hacker can put you in serious trouble. So, do not use it.
lol i wouldnt do it but it is so tempting but from previouse incidents where i stuck my hand in cookie jar only to geet burnd never algain. some of you know what im talking about lol i learnd my listhen of course i had to get burnd a few tinmes befor learning but i learnd my listhen.
My ISP said I could do whatever I wanted if someone tried to connect to a known trojan port. They are too cheap (or lazy) to stop either the trojaner or me. They really don't care. I don't think law inforcement around here has any desire to get involved with mickey-mouse sqabbles on the net. If I called the cops and said "this guy at IP scanned me for the subseven port 27374 and UDP ports a hunerd gazillion times last night. Do something!" They would probably suggest I ask the person not to. For me personally, I have NO reservations about stickin to the bastiches that pounds my routers 24/7 with subseven scans. I have posted my logs before, the amount of scans I recieve is ridiculous. I do not recommend anybody follow suit however. You may live somewhere where the law might even have an idea what you are talking about. Around here, a guy just won a case in court defending his right to possess child pornography. Can you believe that? Now ask yourself how far port flooding complaints will get.
But, as you know, there were examples of members on the private TDS-3 forum who got in "serious" trouble with their provider after they tried to "defend" themselves. Well (of course not any offence meant ) I stick to my opinion: don't use these kind of things.
Please, as I said before, keep everybody in its value (sorry, I hope that that are the right English words for it, but I guess you know what I mean...). Please no hard words to anybody, this is a friendly forum and we would like to keep it that way !!!
I think you need a little help here, DUH: * Okay, the word "written" would have been better, but YaBB's software prevented its use. Suffice to say, DUH, we're fond of old Blaze here, and we accept him at face value. We also have the guts to register before we take snipes at people, so that we are accountable for our own actions.
lol it dosent pay to be a bully lol but hes right lol but the aol verstion cant deciphr my bad spelling ether and microsoft word takes to long lol if you can find an industry bad spelling decoder thats extremly fast and can decode my bad gramer id do it lol til then you stuck with me lol
MrBlase the below listed link is ONLY being posted because you expressed an interest in such a program.....personally I like you would suggest respectfully that you just be ever I can't accept you for yourself then thats my problem..not your' then I'll need to find the courage to work on my problem. snowman
MrBlase if by chance you decide to check out the program I it only because you want to....not for any other reason! just be yourself! snowman
Oh how I have always wanted this software!!! My first copies look like MR BLAZE's, that is why you never see a post of mine without a last edited time on it. OMG it actually works too! I just purposely spelled some words wrong and it caught them! This is great.