Firewall settings for External Scan

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by beethoven, May 23, 2020.

  1. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    I would like to know if a company does a scan of your pc (with your permission) to evaluate vulnerabilities and you have to whitelist a range of IP for this purpose in your router, what service needs to be allowed in the router. I can allow this for all services (https / ftp etc) or restrict this to certain services, so ideally I would like to "open the door" only for what is really needed to do the scan. At the moment my router is blocking everything, so the scan fails (which is the real world obviously you want).
  2. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Europe, UE citizen
  3. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    Blackknight - thanks for that. I vaguely remember this site from 10 years ago and they do something similar. I do however need to enable the company to actually get through as their testing is more comprehensive and whitelist them, whereas Shieldsup provides their ip address to allow you to see them in a log. They came up as no response but for my purpose and to allow the relevant PCI check, I need to know what part of the router/ service I need to allow for them specifically.
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