Firewall questions (hard coded rules, rules order)

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by wrathchild, Sep 12, 2008.

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  1. wrathchild

    wrathchild Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    Some quick questions regarding to firewall in ESS.

    1. Do the hard coded rules still exist in ESS and if the answer is yes, is there any way to turn them off completely (all of them)?

    2. In which order exactly the rules are applied? (in this thread Marcos told that "always the more specific rule is applied"...but he's not explained what "more specific" means).

  2. Eryan

    Eryan Eset Staff Account

    Jan 17, 2008

    #1. They still exist, but you can turn them off by deselecting their check boxes.

    #2. We don’t advise doing it, but if you want to disable the firewall, check out this KB article:

    As far as what Marcos is talking about, there are many examples, but here’s one: If one rule blocks all types of traffic, and another rule allows that traffic on a specific port, the traffic will still be allowed, even though the more general rule says not to allow the traffic.
  3. wrathchild

    wrathchild Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    Thanks Eryan for your answer but you're missing the point. I don't have intention to disable firewall. I "just" want full control, no more no less.
    Are you sure that ALL check boxes can be deselected? I know that some of them can be deselected but som of them can't be deselected. That's the core of my question, why ALL hard coded (grayed) rules can't be deselected?!

    Like I've said, I don't have intention to disable firewall.

    Ok...but the rules should have visible hierarchy. When I make a lot of rules I want to put them in order in which they will be applied and I want to easilly see that order.
    For example: if I make the rule to block all types of traffic then I expect that all traffic will be blocked...until I make specific rules for each application and put this specific rules before rule which block all (rule based firewalls work in that way). I don't want to guess (or to remember) which rule will be applied and which rule is more or less general.
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