Not that long ago I bought Online Armor FW for my Toshiba Notebook PC. As far as I know if you install a 3rd party FW, than windows FW should be disabled. With my system I found out that windows FW was still enbled, so when I went into control panel to turn it off I got the windows security alert popped up, yet again my Online Armor FW was still ON.
Code: Start - Run - cmd net stop winmgmt /y cd "%windir%\system32\wbem\" rd /s /q "Repository" net start winmgmt /y Reboot
looks like I cant cut and paste this code in the CMD screen So does this mean I need to input it manually? Thanks
Yeah, type it manually (will take about 30 seconds) if you can't. Or are you really expecting people to explain how to cut and paste something into the command prompt here?
I've done it, but sorry did not work i'm still getting the windows security alert in the right hand bottom taskbar. also i'm using vista ultimate Whats worse is that Windows cannot seem to monitor my Online Armor.
Well, then disable the security center and move on, it's useless anyway. Or Google for "wmi repository repair".