firewall and ics issue

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Erik Austin, Jan 24, 2006.

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  1. Erik Austin

    Erik Austin Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    perhaps one of you can help me with internet connection sharing...

    (this is on two win xp sp2 machines running tiny firewall 6.5.126)

    I got the windows set up right BUT I have to disable tiny firewall on the computer connected to the internet in order for it to work.

    I found NAT/ICS settings in the firewall options. there's a box to tick in order to enable it but then you have to add a protocol (?) and I have absolutely no
    idea what to put in there.

    protocol options are UDP or TCP, both v4 or v6. then it wants to know internet port number, LAN port number, whether there's an FTP control port and finally FTP server IP address.

    where do I find out what port numbers and ip address is being used? I didn't deal with any of that when setting up windows (used a wizard).

    also there's a network interfaces tab where you tell the firewall what's connected to what. everything's in the 'connected to internet' bit at the moment. I think I should put the nvidia lan entry in the 'connected to home or local networks' bit. there's a 'connected to VPN clients' bit too.

    please tell me what I have to do to get this working properly.

    any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Gotta run, I'll write a response later on today.
  3. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    First read this:;en-us;306126&sd=tech
    On the HOST computer:
    Open your firewall, I don't know exactly how Tiny interface looks like, but I hope you'll get the idea:
    You have two cards - one for the internet and one for the local connection.
    You need to enable all communication protocols on that local card for IP of the second computer. If it's a static address then it's probably, if it's a dynamic IP then,. You need to enable this for ALL processes. Do not select any specific dll or exe for this - ALL processes.
    On the CLIENT computer, in the firewall, you need to do the same for Make sure ntsokernel.exe alg.exe are allowed to communicate on both computers.
    Hope this works out, if no post again.
  4. Itsme

    Itsme Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    I got the windows set up right BUT I have to disable tiny firewall on the computer connected to the internet in order for it to work.
    => not necessary to disable

    I found NAT/ICS settings in the firewall options. there's a box to tick in order to enable it
    ==> yes, that is OK

    but then you have to add a protocol (?) and I have absolutely no
    idea what to put in there.
    ==> no, you can leave it blank. no need to enter anything.

    also there's a network interfaces tab where you tell the firewall what's connected to what. everything's in the 'connected to internet' bit at the moment. I think I should put the nvidia lan entry in the 'connected to home or local networks' bit.
    ==> here it depends but if the computer is connected to the internet (via DSL/Cable) then the adapter connected to the modem should be set 'connected to internet' the other adapter (lan) should be 'connected to home or lacal networkd'.

    there's a 'connected to VPN clients' bit too.
    ==> if you don't use VPN then just ignor this line.

    Of course... on your other computer the adapter (ethernet/wifi?) should be in the 'connected to home or lacal networkd' -group.

    Please let us know how you are doing.

    best regards
  5. Erik Austin

    Erik Austin Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    thanks for your help.

    I have the 'enable NAT/ICS processing' box ticked and it works fine.

    it doesn't seem to matter where I put the 'networking controller' entry but I've put it in the 'connected to networks' bit anyway.

    (maybe cos it's the only one? all the other entries have little telephones next to them)

    guess I shouldn't have freaked out when confronted with that protocols section. :)

    thanks again

    (I bookmarked that link too for future reference)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2006
  6. Itsme

    Itsme Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    You're welcome.

    Btw. some senior forum members in the official Tinysoftware Forum have posted their rules-set with comments. Interesting to take a look at.... if you are not easily frightend by the extent of the possible configurations...

    I wished and asked if they could post their configuration settings in this forum @ Wilders. Unfortunately it has not yet happened.

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