Files Unacessable in NOD32 scan

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by FireDancer, Aug 20, 2003.

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  1. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003

    I am running Win98SE and useing the trial version of NOD32 right now for about a day ran my first full scan today and noticed that at the bottom of scan log I got a prompt that says

    : 4 Files Unacessable they are in use by the system or another application and password protected.

    I have also experianced several times that when i go to reboot that I can hear the desk top music load but no desk top comes up.. just a black screen and a cursor.
    I get no error prompts though so I have to reboot from the cpu its self (reset button on front of machine) :(
    and then it goes to blue screen checking for errors on disk due to windows not being shut down properly..

    and if all goes well it will boot properly and if not... we start all over again but this has only happened twice so far with no error propmts. I bring this up as I have saw a few other post about this problem or close to it

    can anyone please advise on one or both problems?
    any help is greatly appreciated

    FireDancer ;)

    Attached Files:

  2. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003
    here is second screen shot thought this might help


    Attached Files:

  3. Phazor

    Phazor Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2002

    Know how you feel, at least you are able to get windows to boot every once in a while and do a scan and get something for a report.
    You said you were using a trial version, Im a registered user and have been trying to get a "registered version" to work.
    May i ask what, if any, Firewall you are using?

    Ive been with nod32 for 2 yrs, its a great virus scanner, gave up mcafee for it. This is the first problem ive ever had with it, but the problem is getting rather old.

    If i come up with anything i will sure let you know..
  4. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003

    I am currently useing Kerio 2.1.5 and all is really great with it. I dont think the firewall has anything to do with
    this boot problem. I am not sure what is causeing it as I have been all through my system and all is in good condition. I am hopeing one of the mods can answer this for us.. I am sure they will and if they cant they will find someone that can :)

  5. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hey FireDancer,

    >: 4 Files Unacessable they are in use by the system or another application and password protected.

    I hope it's understandable (as the NOD's explanation message says) that if a file is used by the operating system, an another application, or password protected - NOD can't open it. This behaviour is normal and not dangerous.

    >I have also experianced several times that when i go to reboot that I can hear the desk top music load but no desk top comes up.. just a black screen and a cursor.

    Have you tried to unistall NOD and check, if the problem persists?

    Thanx, :)

  6. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003
    Hi Jan,

    Thank you for your responce. Yes I Uninstalled and re-installed last night after I posted thinking that maybe a file was corrupted during (original install) .I uninstalled and re booted a few times with no problems. I went to the registry and removed any reminants that might be left behind from original install and re-installed have had no problem since then. If it arises again I will repost.
    your suggestion is greatly appreciated.

    FireDancer ;)
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