FileChecker at Startup

Discussion in 'FileChecker & ID-Blaster Forum' started by snapdragin, Dec 10, 2002.

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  1. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    Hello Javacool :)

    i have had FileChecker on my XP-Home for a bit now and it starts up fine when i startup the pc....but on my Win98se, i don't seem to be able to get it to start on system startup. Is this something that is only available in XP?
    i looked through the forum but couldn't find any answer to that...or i missed it?

    btw...i love your programs!! :D

    best regards,

  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    You will need to create a short-cut to the FileChecker executable, and then place that shortcut in your "StartUp" folder in your Start Menu.

    FileChecker currently only supports registering as a service (the better and easier way of having it boot up on start up) under Windows NT4, 2000, and XP. This is probably the method you used to set it to boot up on start up on your Windows XP system. :)

    Best regards,

  3. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    yes! That was how i set it up on my XP, as a "service" to start on system-startup. i had just read about doing something like that on another board...placing the shortcut into the StartUp Folder, and thought that was what i should do on my Win98se for FileChecker to automatically startup, but thought i'd better ask the Expert first. ;)

    Thank you Javacool!

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