Bubba you may be interested to see what happened when I thought I'd open what you wrote in notepad http://pixpipeline.com/d/2e1a5fa6d9a2.jpg
Hello Stapp, I was using that txt file for testing of Web Access Protection of a program. As for the results in that jpg and considering the contents of that text file, I can only suggest you question that programs developers Bubba
The file is presumed to be a virus simulator. A file with the same codes has been discussed before. https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=108616 https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=154946 thanatos
Yes, the contents of that txt file has been mentioned on many occasions here. As stated above....it was a quick way for me to test the Web Access Protection of a program I was checking, nothing more,nothing less. Hence our Test Forum.