File is obsolete or its lower level type is missing

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by Greg Jones, Jan 29, 2006.

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  1. Greg Jones

    Greg Jones Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005

    the message appears in the update log. Do we ignore it or do need to take action? The update util says we are up to date. Here is an excerpt of the log:

    NOD32 Update Mirror Creator, Version 2.09,
    (C) 2004 Eset, s.r.o.
    warning: Not specified username and password for proxy authentication.
    Update started on 01-24-2006, 00:40:00.
    Checking remote update packages at ''... ok

    Checking local update packages in '/var/lib/nod32/mirror/'... ok (18 nups found).
    Downloading 1 file(s).
    Downloading ENGINE2... ok
    warning: File 'advheur1.nup' is obsolete or its lower level type is missing.
    warning: File 'advheur2.nup' is obsolete or its lower level type is missing.
    Update finished at 00:40:05, total time: 5 sec (00:00:05).

    NOD32 Antivirus System Update, Version 2.02,
    (C) 2005 Eset, spol. s r.o.
  2. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    the message says that there are currently no incremental updates for the advanced heuristics module. Use the -r switch to supress the message.
  3. stevenestrada

    stevenestrada Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2004
    >> Do we ignore it or do need to take action? <<

    Complain to ESET.
    UNIX updater issues is an ongoing problem.
    They're FIVE DAYS behind TODAY.

    Check here for current defs:

    Then run your unix uopdateer and see if they match.

    If the web site is newer and your unix updater says yoj have the latest update - it's not true.
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    A screenshot from my Linux machine (used as the update server):

    NOD32 Antivirus System Update, Version 2.51.1,
    (C) 2005 Eset, spol. s r.o.

    Installed version:
    Virus signature database version:
    Virus signature database build: 0

    Update launched: Wed Sep 28 19:07:56 2005

    | | Module | Available version | Installed version |
    |*| pwscan | 1.001 (1012) | ( 0) |
    |*| Virus signature database | 1.1392 (6721) | ( 0) |
    |*| Archive support | 1.040 (1142) | ( 0) |
    |*| charon | 1.005 (1040) | ( 0) |
    |*| Advanced heristics | 1.026 (1104) | ( 0) |
    |*| utilmod | 1.009 (1067) | ( 0) |

    Return code 3:
    A newer NOD32 Antivirus System update has been found
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