FDISR and backup

Discussion in 'FirstDefense-ISR Forum' started by Peter2150, Feb 2, 2006.

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  1. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Hi all

    Just wanted to post a heads up as I and maybe a few others have indicated we use FDISR's archive function as a means of backup.

    Had a couple of interesting conversations with my favorite Raxco Tech Support rep. When I described a backup recovery scenario from a failed hard drive he stated FDISR probably wouldn't work. This caused me panic at first, but as I thought about what he said, What he was saying if you just used FDISR to bring your system back up to state there would be problems.

    Turns out what he was refering to was the fact that although all the files were all in place, many of the software activation schemes look at the hardware and of course now the disk is different. This may or may not be the case depending on how the particular scheme works. Consensus on Windows is just the hard drive replacement won't mean a reactivation, but this may not be true of other programs.

    Of course this is equally true of any other recovery program, such as Acronis or Image for Windows. All they can do is put the files in place. The activation issues may still be there.

    Couple of key points from all this.

    1) No matter what you use for Disaster recovery, be aware the activation issue exists and depending on the software you use, you may have to deal with it. It's easy to get complacent if you've restored images to the same drive, with no issues. A new drive may be different.

    2) FDISR in particular. They way I have planned on using it certainly will work equally well, and in fact I feel it to be more reliable, but be aware, that Raxco's official position is that the software isn't meant for backup purposes, and they won't support problems associated with using it this way.

    I wanted to post this, as I love this program, but I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray in using it.

  2. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia

    Thanks for that info.
    I have been affected by your support and recommendations for FD anfd have been using it with no probs so far.

    What you have posted here is important info.

    Moreover,your post demonstrates a real example of objectivity and knowledge sharing.

    Out of interest, I recently had to 'reload" a new hard disc after hardware failure and used a Norton Ghost 7 image to rebuild.

    There seem to have been no problems with activation issues for any of my software.

  3. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    And I would add, honesty. Thanks Peter. :cool:

  4. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Hi Longbeard

    Curious what you programs you use that have activation. Besides windows and office, I have SnS, and a lot of Scansoft stuff like Paperport, that gets activated. Don't know if these would break or not.

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