I am delighted to say that I now have FD-ISR installed and working without a problem took some doing but finally its worked Although I would be pleased to hear that there are no known issues using Puran defrag, can anyone collaborate this?
One off topic post removed. DVD+R, if you want to ask about other software's compatible with FD-ISR, please start a new thread. This thread is about FD-ISR and Windows 7. Thanks.
Hi gang, I have just installed windows 7 as a custom installation and cleaned up old windows installation with disk clean up utility. There is no reserved system partition but Vista still shows in the boot record. So all I need to do is run bootsect 86 and then I can install FD-ISR? I have version 3.32.235. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I cant get this thing to work. Any ideas? Okay, I forgot to show hidden files on. There is a ISR folder I cant delete.
Hi Rilla927 Did you do a format when you did the Win 7 install. That's the way I did it and it was very straight forward. Pete
Hi Pete, No, I didnt but I realized it after the fact that is what I should have done. Believe it or not, my problen was the every time I d/l the file I never noticed the extension .txt and I was changing to a .rar in order to extract it. Finally, someone in the FD-ISR forum posted the command line and that's what I used. So, all is well! Win 7 is much faster than Vista what a difference.
i have a computer i built a few months ago. Windows 7x64. If i'm following this correctly i can backup to my external hard drive, format my hard drive reinstall Windows as per your instructions and then install FD-ISR ?
Hi Rilla927 Missed this post. Glad you got it. Yeah play with WIn 7 a bit and then go back to Vista. UGH. Pete
Yes indeed. I imaged my XP machine, grabbed my Win 7 x64 disk, and booted it up, selected format, and let the install rip. FD-ISR install was a snap, just needed the file to download. Pete
I have XP running on my PC and would like to install Win7 in an empty snapshot as per above guidance. If I decide to cancel the Win7 snapshots will the C partition " die". Is it the meaning of the quote above? Will it be possible to retrieve the previous C partition (prior installing Win7) using an image of the C partition? (My HD has three partitions) Installing Win7 on a PC running XP as mentioned above, is it requested to add this entry in the Excluded Files? Thanks
-The partition will be corrupted and the various programs will report it as unknown ntfs partition (it does not happen always but is very frequent). -Of course. If you have an image you have nothing to worry. Just remember to copy any data that you want from the OS partition before trying to remove the 7 snapshot. Personally, I exclude them. It saves time and space. They are shadow copy files used only by System Restore and by the VSS. Panagiotis
has anyone else tried using FD-ISR run in XP compatibility mode on Windows 7 Professional? i dont want the excitement to run wild here mentioning this, but for me,.. I tried it and it works perfectly. I installed Windows XP Professional including the extended partition that Windows 7 makes, and curiosity got the better of me,as I hadent read anything to the contrary, So i installed it, then run it in XP compatibility mode. maybe its a one off for me, maybe it isnt, thats why I'm asking,but anyway it works here
Panagiotis so many thanks for this tutorial. Since switching to 7 I had been missing FDISR and was discouraged by the other threads, but this procedure is soo simple! First I installed FDISR within a rather large (=lots of programs and tweaks) 7 installation as my primary and copied it to make a "first" secondary snapshot. Also this is the first time I used the empty snapshot function to install a fresh system which i then established as my new secondary snapshot (deleting the previous secondary) - I was hesitant but I made an image backup just in case - and it worked perfectly as you described. great stuff
i'm sure you've heard before how good it is to have that little green and yellow yin/yang symbol on the the bottom toolbar again. i just wanted to say a big thank you to Panagiotis for all his work and help. YEE HAWWWWWW.
Ok! The issue whereas when you install FD-ISR on Windows 7, and then decide to uninstall needs addressing. I posted it once but it got ignored, So Once again I'll tell you that once you install it on windows 7 after altering the Boot Sector to work with this version, your permanently stuck with it. uninstalling wont remove the occupied space that FD-ISR used to copy the secondary snapshot. It may seem to be uninstalled but its not. the directory C:\ Local Disk [noparse](C[/noparse] $FDSR is there for good, the folder is locked and undeleteable due to the Boot Sec being changed
I could be wrong but once FD ISR is uninstalled, you should be able to take ownership of the C:\ Local Disk C:\$FDSR folder and then delete it. Have you tried this?
Go to the following site http://www.blogsdna.com/2173/add-take-ownership-option-in-right-click-context-menu-of-windows-7.htm and have a read. Download the "Takeownership.zip" file.....very useful. Hopefully this will resolve your problem.
It has nothing to do with the partition bootsector. As the other already said it has to do with folders/files permissions. Anyway, the easy way to circumvent is to remove the snapshots from the FD-ISR menu and then proceed uninstalling it. Panagiotis
Hi guys, Can't I use BootIt NG to merge the two partions, meaning the reserve and c to clear this up?
I think it's possible but you may need to to do a BCD edit with BING after merging and make the partition active.