Eztrust is better than kav or f-secure?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by greenze, Mar 6, 2003.

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  1. greenze

    greenze Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
    What is your views? o_O
  2. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    My view?
    I don't think so. ;)
  3. I don't think so too, and I don't use any of them.. :D
    I did try EZTrust.(trial). Very basic scanner, nothing spectacular.. No Mail scanner unless you pay for it.. which is stupid.. :eek:
    Unless you want to use it only for backup purposes..

    I trialed KAV, hard to use at first, but very well recieved..
  4. meneer

    meneer Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2002
    The Netherlands
    Do you mean CA Etrust-EZ?
    If so, indeed it is a basic scanner, but it reaches a consistent 100% score at virusbtn.
    It is one of the cheapest scanners with such a performance :)

    Besides: why would you want an e-mail scanner, if you drop OE? Whenever a virus is in an attachment, a good scanner finds it at I/O operations. That will do, I guess . . .
  5. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    If I did not wish to have to spend much I would go for the Kav lite Greenze for $20 It will offer you excellent protection .
  6. RAV

    RAV Guest

    I have been evaluating CA ETrust EZ Antivirus and have been impressed. Its resident scanner doesn't slow down system, has frequent auto updates, scheduled scans, etc. and for only $20. It doesn't have an email scanner, however I don't really need that feature. KAV was really slowwwww on my P4 machine with WinXP. I have been running free AVG until I can find a suitable AV for my little home network and ETrust is looking pretty good. Anyone else try this AV and have any opinions before I register?
  7. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    That should normally not be the case. I use KAV 4 on my old Celeron433. No speed issues. If you just compare KAV with EZtrust or the other programs you mentioned you should keep in mind that KAV has a powerfull unpacking engine while the other programs have non (or limited unpacking capabilities). These engine is of course slightly slower than a scanner without unpacking engine but against backdoor trojans and nowerdays also worms it is an additional 'security gain'.

    On av-test.org you will find some test who clearly shows where the strength and weaknesses are of Eztrust, KAV or F-Secure.

  8. RAV

    RAV Guest

    Seems like KAV has the best detection available including Trojans, but I already have Trojan Hunter to backup my AV.

    I am a home user with 2 computers and really want something light weight but effective if ever needed. eTrust EZ AV seems to be just right and the price is right. Do you agree that eTrust it is better than AVG which is what I was running before trying EZ?
  9. xor

    xor Guest

    Yes it is - you can eTrust me :D
  10. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Try NOD32. Fast, resource friendly and they have a nice support forum overhere as well. ;)

    Yes but if you want to spend some money why not choose something better? :)

  11. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    Which build of KAV4 did you run? Prior to 4.0.9 they had problems with resources (which caused me to trial some other programs) but it ha since been fixed. The monitor function and general operations are very fast now. The full system scan is still slow but I schedule that when I am asleep.

    Also, as mentioned prior, KAV now has KAV Lite, I would at least consider that as an option and it is also only $19.95.

    Also, if resources are your concern, you didn't mentioned NOD32, have you trialed it yet? The only concern with NOD32 is that it is focused purely on viruses so you would need to make sure you keep Trojan Hunter running. Nothing runs faster that I have tried.
  12. RAV

    RAV Guest

    I am keeping an eye on NOD32 as well. I tried it once before but the interface was awful IMO. I see that the Beta is addressing the interface issue, but there are reports of problems running NOD32 2 Beta with TrojanHunter (which I do own and keep updated). NOD32 also costs double the amount of EZ and there are no discounts for subscription renewals. BTW- I tried KAV 4 (not sure what build) but do not plan to try again. I have seen several other people complain about this issue and go back to an older version so it is not just me. What I really want is an AV that is light on resources as AVG with good detection rate and low cost.
  13. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    To answer the original question- not in virus detection.

    To answer Rav's question; AV programs which are low in cost, light on resources and good detection abilities, which I have personal experience of using;

    1. Dr Web

    2. F-Prot for Windows

    I would also check out the recently released KAV Lite 4.5 which I believe has all the necesssary properties you require in a scanner.

    Best advice we can give you is to trial some of the suggestions here and see which one you like. In addition, this will tell you which AV program is compatible with your system.
  14. RAV

    RAV Guest

    Thanks Blackcat. KAV Lite looks great but it doesn't seem to have a resident scanner, but it could be a good backup. I have been tempted to try F-Prot as well. Have you tried Command AV which also uses F-Prot engine? For now running EZ trial and seems to run well on my system.
  15. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Don't think so. But anyhow this should not be the main reason to choose an antivirus software.

    Eset offers discounts for renewals. BTW I am not sure about this but did you check if in the price of EZ all updates (program and signature) are included? Or if the price is just for the signatures and you have to pay again for new versions. Not sure about that.

    There are several reason why KAV can be slow under WinXP. Not installed service pack 1 of WinXP, wrong configuration or just installed an old version of KAV 4.

    Did I already mention NOD32? ;)


  16. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Compared to FP-Win (F-Prot) it gets less often updated but I think Command AV is the better 'F-Prot'. At least it looks like if you compare FP-Win results with those from Command AV. :) And just remembered Command AV is also not that expensive. Maybe you want to give it a try. :)

  17. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    Hi RAV, that was true of the prior versions of lite but it appears that the new one does. Check out this thread...

  18. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    A little info from the new KAV LITE 4.5 manual

    "Kaspersky Anti-Virus TM Lite is an easy-to-use anti-virus program for reliable protection of your computer from viruses.

    After installation, the program will:

    check your computer for viruses, scan incoming email messages, and detect viruses in e-mail-message storage areas on demand;

    scan any object selected using the Windows shortcut menu;

    keep your computer constantly protected from viruses;

    update anti-virus databases using your Internet connection to successfully detect viruses and repair infected files;

    report on the performance results.

    The Kaspersky Anti-Virus Lite program has three levels of anti-virus protection:Normal, Medium and High. The higher the level, the higher the anti-virus protection of your computer upon on-demand checks and background monitoring.

    It is simplicity and a very cool anti virus package yet uses the same anti virus data bases as the personal and pro versions .
  19. RAV

    RAV Guest

    Thanks for the info about KAV Lite. I didn't realize that they added the resident scanner and the new features. The program sounds about right so I downloaded the trial from kaspersky.com only to find out it will not work without a key. So I need to fill out an application for the key and get a message that a sales rep will contact me. Minutes later I get an email from another company ICE Systems with a key, but not for the lite program so it does not work. Without the key, the program does not function at all and locks up the computer. While this program looked like it had huge potential for home users, I am getting a very bad taste for this company.

    I guess I will reload my ETrust EZ AV trial which BTW was much easier to download, register, and install. The CA engines (Etrust and VET) have a very good track record on Virus Bulletin and the program is rated excellent by users at CNET (I ignore the CNET reviews, but do look at user's opinions). The program is low cost ($20) and includes program updates for 1 yr and only $10 after that (price is reported to go up to slightly however).

    Other low cost programs in this price range do not offer auto definition updates, scheduled scans, and good detection. Kaspersky needs to take serious lessons on how to sell software online to home users. I am a fairly advanced computer user and I find their process to be among the worst just to load a trial version.
  20. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Hi Rav, sounds like you were treading on a merrigo round there . I think the swiss and UK sites have trial versions of all KAV products (they give a trial key ) The russian site doesnt appear to do so and one would need to buy from them ( with a 30 day option for money back thru element 5 who handle the transations ) There is a tech version of lite out that Igor from KL gave us at http://forums.useice.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi
    I am using that currently and the stats from my above post were on that one . There is a link however i cant remember if it has a key , I guess it would do so , as I transferred mine from my other Lite . Its a preview and a few minor fine tunings stlll need to be done but that is in the release notes , untill the final version is released. There is also the kav 3.5 at the swiss site which has a 30 day free trial http://www.avp.ch/ I do not have the link to the UK site but its very helpful and Lisa is great . By now of course you will be too towed off and I dont blame you . However thought i would dropp these links in . There is much about these various things both in earlier threads here at wilders and also at the ice ikonboard Good luck with your choices , :)
  21. RAV

    RAV Guest

    Solar Powered Candle- Thank you for the helpful info and links. It has been a hard night (my backup hard drive that I used from an old machine died this evening- click of death on a IBM Deskstar 40 GB. At least it wasn't my WD 80 GB C: Drive), plus my failure to get the KAV Lite key. I am still leaning towards Etrust right now, but before I purchase, I will try your links a possibly give it another try after I cool down a bit. Thanks again. This forum is very helpful. I guess I need to register rather than keep posting as a guest.
  22. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Hey Rav Go with the gentle flow I often feel like getting the sledge hammer out ! Thats when its good to switch off and be with nature for a few hours, or days..

    If you do decide to try and have a go with any of the KAV products it may pay to run this utilty that Igor from Kav Labs posted here on another thread ,once you have uninstalled the KAV lite you downed , just to make sure its all cleaned up before another install (try copying and pasting this as if you click on it it seems to go to a another site page in russian ) http://webcenter.ru/~kurzin/Utility/ The ICE forum for kav is a good place to get some help also if you go that way . Peaceful journeys :)

    Added URL tags
  23. meneer

    meneer Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2002
    The Netherlands
    Choosing an AV scanner seems to be a religious discussion. My guess: there is no best scanner :'(
    Choose any decent scanner that feels right for you and perhaps is affordable for you.

    Etrust is fine. So is Nod and all the rest. I didn't like the Nod or DrWeb interface or the way Norman is presented, prefer Etrust. Nothing against the others though. Same for NAV , didn't like the updating en renewing thing.

    Why is it that people always try to convince others to change tooling? o_O
  24. RAV

    RAV Guest

    I got an email this morning from the US distributor ICE Systems and was told that there is no trial for KAV Lite. I also checked the swiss site and no trial that I can find. If it is this much trouble just to give the software a 30 day trial, I will pass. I have decided to register ETrust. Thanks for everyone's help.
  25. stranger

    stranger Guest

    CA's Etrust EZ Av has a solid track record when it comes to ITW detection. It has been certified by ICSA Labs, and, more over, the engine which it's based upon being CA's Etrust Av line for enterprise networks have been recognized by VB, Westcoast Labs and other tests.

    For its price Etrust EZ Av is a solid product. It offers updates several times a week and its update and user interface are among the easiest to use. Its scan engine is also one of the fastest out there. The thing that's most noticeable about this av are its light footprint and minimal effects on systems resources. Personally i would take this av over Nod32 anyday, Regardless of Nod's track record with Virus Bulletin.. i've never been partial to it when i evaluated it.

    Some would say that it doesn't offer a solid protection against trojans, but this could easily be supplement by a separate AT or by utilizing say KAV's on demand scan module.
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