extendia avk pro

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by bibbe, Apr 27, 2003.

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  1. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Has anyone tried the new extendia antivirus avk pro and if so, what is your opinion of it.

  2. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    Hi bibbi

    I trialed this for awhile a few months back, but found it dragged down my system too much. But I did not play about too much with it to optimise the settings.

    Has an excellent reputation for virus detection, which is not surprising since it uses both the KAV and RAV engines.

    Technodrome is the expert here and he will probably be along soon to give you his advice.

    You might carry out a search here as this AV has been discussed in a number of recent threads.
  3. Boy,this one as suddenly become a popular AV!

    I just bought it this week. Yes, it can drag system resources down (the monitor part) but it is pretty powerful. The scanners are great and nothin slips by. It has the best unpacking and archive ability on the market, I believe. Their is hardly any english support, and the sites are in German, so what Ido is I use www.viruslist.com(from Kaspersky) as a virus encyclopedia. The only difficulty I've had is that AVK slows down other on demand scans from Spybot and TH. I simply shut down AVK when doing those scans. There are too many advantages in this software. Also, if you are running an older system, it's probably better to consider RAV, KAV, or NOD32...They handle better on older machines...
  4. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    I've been meaning to ask Straight Shooter, have you looked at Steganos Antivirus recently? I havent used AVK but I recall seeing a screenshot of it and Steganos seems to have a similar interface, could you take a look at the supplied link and see if looks familiar to you?

    Kev :)

  5. Hey there...

    Yup.. It looks EXACTLY The Same, but I don't have that "pill" in the upper left hand corner.... Otherwise, then I would assume it's the same thing.. That's really funny; McAfee sells Steganos AV too.. I saw Escan a long time ago, but I can't remember if it looks the same. I know EScan has only the KAV engine... and they also have that Orange Grinding wheel with the red dot going round and round, similar to AVK...
  6. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Running it right now. An excellent av product that reassures anyone’s fear about PC security. It works flawlessly. I agree with Blackcat and SS that this product may be best suited for faster PC.

  7. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Thankyou all, for your answers, I don´t know if I get carried away by reading this forum. Before I started coming here I didn´t care about securety, but now I am running NOD and I use RAV as a on-damand scanner + I use BoClean and TDS, beside that I use RegRun, adaware and Spybot so I don´t know if I really ned extendia AVK, but you always want the best. I use a AMD on 1,5 giga and 256 RAM is that enough for AVK or KAV.

  8. I think you are fine the way you are..
    256 K may not be enough, maybe Technodrome knows better.
    I run 1024 K ram now...
    I honestly think you have enough good software, and don't need AVK
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Applause Bibbe, that's looking like a good start for layered security. thought you had more tools for worms etc too?
    Anyway, you have a fine combination and if in doubt there are always the online tests and scanners, you updated and patched your windows and IE, are careful so what more?
    Routers, hardware firewall, the whole lot if you really would like to.
  10. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Jooske, no I haven´t got anything for worms, I tried wormguard, but I didn´t like that it took my helpbotten away, not that I use it, but I don´t want a program to mess with my computer, maybe later when version 4 comes out.
    I allready have tds and portexplorer so then I will have all Diamondc programs.

  11. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hi bibbe. I think you have enough AV and trojan protection. I would not spend more money on that. As for worms, you might consider using an email program other that OE as most aren't plagued by worms.
    I have Poco and other good ones might be the Bat, or one of the others that uses their own rendering engine.
    In case you haven't heard of it, there is a small free sandbox program called System Safety Monitor that I highly recommend.
    It will give you good control over what programs can be run and by what process. It's easy to use and a great extra layer of protection. A little more in depth protection that Regrun offers. I use both.
    Sounds like your getting your security in place, but never forget the first line of defense is the use of the brain. :D
  12. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Root, yes it is true that I use OE, but I use Mailwasher Pro too, so I can se what it is I am receiving and I mainly use Opera when browsing the internet.

  13. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Have seen your serious advancements Bibbe, that's why i mentioned it. WG4 soon to be betatested, so keep an eye on the forums. Beside that nise System Monitor i've seen entusiastic reactions about euhmmmmm did you get the free AutostartViewer already (also DCS) I love it, and am studying the things displayed in it. Nothing to install just unzip and run it. Hope it works fine for you!
  14. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Yes, it is more then enough! ;) But I would not recommend KAV 4 xx. This version is a memory hog and slows down your system. Instead you could use KAV 3.5 (Swiss edition) if you want to go with KAV.

    AVK is very low on memory consumption:


    Attached Files:

  15. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    NO! ;)

  16. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Techdrome, Root and Straightshooter thankyou all for telling me I don´t need more AVs, it pleases me to hear, because I have great respect for you all and I do like to spend my money on other things.

  17. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK

    Can I ask about AVK, since you are running it?

    Are the processes you state the only ones running associated with this program?

    In addition, are you running the default setup, or have you optimised the settings?

    My interest is because when my KAV licence is due for renewal, I will go with AVK or KAV5 depending on their effects on my system e.g. any slowdown.

    Has it any e-mail scanner with it and how often are the updates?
  18. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    You see Bibbe, your question and the answers are very educative for others too: for instance i didn't realize the swiss version of AVP differs from the KAV and they resources load, so this is really something to remember.

    For the money thing: we all like to do nice things with our money. Generally spoken the atmosphere in this whole forum is to look for what you need and what is really helpful and what is overdone, and from the useful tools if possible free tools in the first place to use and try out and only go to next steps if they really suit your needs and wishes in your situation. This is how i think we all would act for ourselves and so to all asking info here too.
    Because we all know security is a serious matter but can be fun too and doesn't need to cost us a complete fortune, we do like to be able to get new items and once we're happy we're probably on the edge of buying a new system and can start all over.
    How about computer addicts? :cool:

    I did send you to the DCS free tools pages, didn't i? Aha! I think you have fine tools already and very fine advices here from the guys! Thanks for being educative for all! :D
  19. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Sure! ;)


    Using 2 engines with highest possible settings.

    I recommend this av for a faster PC. I want to advise you that I was not able to uninstall AVK Pro. I had to use a restore point to uninstall it. This could be a problem or not.
    It has e-mail scanner that is compatible with many better known e-mail clients.

    AVK Pro is update daily!

  20. bibbe

    bibbe Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Jooske I am very glad for your answer too and I have downloaded "Autostartviewer" and it works nice.
    I am not a computer pro and I am very insecure when it comes to securety, so it feels good when people who knows what they are talking about, tells you that you are OK.

  21. Krazykidjoe

    Krazykidjoe Guest

    Technodrome, I've been using NOD32 for almost a year and decided to try Mcafee, since all the recent hype. Fortunately, it has been running great on my xp pro box. I also purchased AVK from CompUSA. I'm very disappointed to say that AVK crippled my system to a holt. It is worst than running KAV. Needless to say, I had to uninstall it and have sent a email to tech support regarding my displeasure with their product and requesting them to resolve me issue or refund my money. I still haven't heard back. I wish there was a trial version and I wouldn't have wasted my money. I you would like to trial my version, let me know? I am running xp pro, p4 2ghz, 512 mbram. Maybe I need to give it another shot. Could you give me some advice and tips. It scans very slow. Another problem was that It took forever to open a zipped or rar'd file. Thanks for any help you can provide. K
  22. Just to hop in for a minute...

    I had the exact opposite experience between McAfee and Extendia...
    Interesting, isn't it?

    I have XP Pro, 1024 K Ram, Gateway 600X desktop Replacement LAptop, 2.4 ghz speed..
  23. whyme

    whyme Guest

    For what its worth:

    Im running a 766 mhz celeron with 256mbmemory using WindowsME and have no problem with Extendia.

    After I ran a complete virus check the very first time I unchecked the 'packed files' in the virus check but left it checked on the virus monitor and now when I have to do a complete scan it takes about 10 minutes.

    I hope im not letting anything slip by this way. o_O
  24. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    The question regarding how much of a slowdown you'll see with certain Anti-Virus products has always interested me. Very often I have seen people say that they've noticed a big slowdown when they are running the latest and most powerful systems, such as a 2GHz Pentium 4 with 512MB RAM etc. And also other people saying that they didn't notice much of a slowdown, yet they're on say a 700MHz system with 256MB RAM.

    Something that I'd be interested in people commenting on...

    Is it possible that the people with the fastest systems are just so used to absolutely instant responses that even a slight hesitation is noticeable to them, while the people on slower systems don't notice a small decrease in speed?
  25. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    It could well be LWM, I've hought about this before, its similar to when I used to be on dialup connection, as soon as I got cable I quickly became irritated with slow servers causing even a minute slow page load! I guess we get a bit spoiled with our speedy pc's. ;)

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