Exec Protection works overtime

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by linney, Jul 4, 2003.

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  1. linney

    linney Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2002
    Can anyone explain this after updating to TDS-3 final. It was good to know Exec Protection was working even though not installed for this limited user. I just wish it did not work this well. Anyway, problem went away after reboot. This is XP Pro with Admin and limited user set up.

    No real problems just posted for information and to make you smile.

    13:40:36 [Init] Trojan Defence Suite v3.2.0 - Registered to xxxxxxxxxxxx
    13:40:36 [Init] Started 04-07-03 13:40:36 AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC: -10), Internet Time @194.86
    13:40:36 [Init] Loading TDS-3 Systems ...
    13:40:36 [Init] • Priority : OK.
    13:40:36 [Init] Token successfully adjusted.
    13:40:36 [Init] • TDS Privileges : OK. Adjusted TDS-3 token privileges to maximum
    13:40:36 [Init] • Exec Protection : Not Installed
    13:40:38 [Init] Loading Radius Advanced Scanning Systems ... <R3 Engine, DCS Labs>
    13:40:43 [Init] • Radius Advanced Specialist Extensions on standby for 13 trojan families
    13:40:43 [Init] • Systems Initialised [17574 references - 0 primaries/7186 traces/10388 variants/other]
    13:40:43 [Init] Radius Systems loaded. <Databases updated 04-07-2003>
    13:40:43 [Init] TDS-3 Ready. <Surfer mike@ - Australia>
    13:40:43 [Tip Of The Day] The latest portref.txt file can be downloaded at http://tds.diamondcs.com.au/portref.txt We will update this file every few weeks as new default trojan ports are added.
    13:40:43 [Init] NOTICE A change has been detected in the autostart registry. Press Ctrl+A to view the autostart registry
    13:40:43 [TDS] Good afternoon Surfer mike.

    13:44:30 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe has been blocked from executing
    13:45:36 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe has been blocked from executing
    13:46:04 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\windows\explorer.exe has been blocked from executing
    13:46:22 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\windows\explorer.exe has been blocked from executing
    13:46:47 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe has been blocked from executing
    13:46:49 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\program files\outlook express\msimn.exe has been blocked from executing
    14:04:40 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\windows\notepad.exe has been blocked from executing
    14:05:22 [ExecProt] WARNING: e:\windows\explorer.exe has been blocked from executing

    Strange error this caused by clicking on program exe or shortcut, and even stranger was that clicking multi times and fast on the exe got past this Exec Protection and opened file.

    It was probably my sick machine that caused all this, I know, but I thought a record of it might be useful. Anyway as I said the problem has gone away after a reboot and has not resurfaced.
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