Excluding Flash Options

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by wallacegal, Jan 1, 2012.

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  1. wallacegal

    wallacegal Registered Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    United States
    I've been a longtime user of SpywareBlaster in the past but hadn't intsalled it on my new laptop until today. I installed the paid version and now suddenly, the standard flash uploader that showed the progress line in Gmail when adding attachments to emails no longer works and I've been forced to go back to the older, one at a time attachment option.

    With Gmail's new look and additional enhancements, eventually the older attachment option is supposed to disappear and I'd like to know how to exclude a flash option/site from SpywareBlaster's list. I don't want to exclude all of Gmail if I don't have to, but I'm not really even seeing the option to exclude anything by adding it. Can someone walk me through this so I can once again use that option?

    Thank you!

    Edited to add: I'm using Chrome as my browser so I know SB is working because other than installing SB today, I've made no other changes and the attachment uploader on Gmail worked perfectly yesterday.
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    SpywareBlaster should not be able to conflict with Gmail's flash uploader.

    The only exception would be if you had the "Flash Killer" tool enabled, but that also only affects Internet Explorer at this time (not Chrome).

    If you'd like, you can temporarily "Disable All Protection" in SpywareBlaster (under Quick Tasks on the main screen). If the flash uploader is still broken, you can be sure it wasn't SpywareBlaster (and can then re-enable all protection). :)

    Best regards,

  3. wallacegal

    wallacegal Registered Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    United States
    Thanks for your quick response. After fighting with this all day, tonight, Google pushed through an update for Chrome. The problem seems to have cleared. I apologize for my assumption though as I said, SB was the only thing I'd done and the problem started right after I installed it.

    Sun spots. All the unexplaineable problems must just be caused by sunspots...

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