1) Is it possible to manually update the database for the eval version of TDS? 2) How long is the eval functional? I installed it sometime last month but am just now getting around to looking at it. Is it going to time out after a # of days?
From help file: As described in the License Agreement, TDS-3 is a Shareware program, which means you can legally use the program to evaluate for free. If however after 30 days during, or at the end of that period you decide that you would like to continue using it, you must license your copy.
Thanks for the reply, MickeyTheMan. I realize it's shareware. Any answers to the specific 2 questions? Anyone?
Hi taba, See the TDS download page http://tds.diamondcs.com.au/html/download.htm For a newer database - just download the file to your TDS folder overwriting the old file. Next time you start TDS it will load the newer file.
Hi Taba welcome aboard here. I understand you will not have many days left for really evaluating i understand from your first posting? Are there specific things you like a (i hope) quick answer on now you seem in a hurry to test and decide about to keep it or not? Hope it's clear Gavin's download means the radius databases. Long ago when i first installed TDS i decided in a few hours to keep it. Finding it now a real good addition to my system beside firewalls, av/at scanners (of which trojan/worm part TDs is the expert), WormGuard (once evaluating, try that one too if you like to stop and analyse all kinds of worms and suspicious files) and other tools. Hope this helps. Please ask ahead.
Thanks Gavin. I checked the download page before posting, but couldn't tell which file is the database update. Do you mean update.cfg or the full install? I'm on (gasp) dialup here - only alt is satellite - so hesitate to download a 7MB file unless absolutely necessary. It would be nice to see something on the downloads page like "download this file to manually update the database". Jooske - Thanks for the welcome. Wish I knew what questions to ask! I've been ill so haven't had time to really play with it and won't until after Tues. My biggest concern is that it's so complicated I will accidentally cause more problems than I avoid, or use settings that aren't optimal. I bought TheCleaner then discovered it isn't nearly as effective. Wish there was a competitive upgrade discount. It's hard to justify buying 2 trojan apps! Is there any way to tell when it will time out?
Hi again Taba. Hope you're feeling much better now! You take the file http://tds.diamondcs.com.au/radius.td3 , that's the daily update. When did you install TDS? From that day count 30 days evaluation. What makes you think TheCleaner doesn't do the job properly for you? TDS is not a trojan/scanner like others, it's working beside them and firewalls, to set you in the drivers seat on your system defending and cleaning it from all kinds of nasties, being able to smack back if you want in decent ways. I never have my other scanners delete anything before TDS has looked into the nasty first. Each program has their own way of scanning and their own database as well as possible ways of disinfecting. TDS has a very large database by now if not the largest, and many ways of detecting the nasties (read for instance the 17 ways to smell a rat in the Manual or on the site). After the scanning you get a list of alerts --if there are-- and each file you can examine what's the alert and some more, submit it to TDS lab for advice, delete it, whatever. You'll notice you have a very powerful suite in hands of some 50 tools to do a lot with to inspect your system, processes, connections, lots of network tools, etc. etc. It's a program to grow in and discover new uses by the day. Think you might like to dig in this part here in the many threads and discussions, which will answer lots of your questions and give some more ideas. Don't get shocked by the many menu options, just be impressed by them and grateful you found it and will be able to use it. It has a nice Manual (not a one A4 txt file but somebody who printed it recently had over 300 pages! so that's a respectable Helpfile!) which is really informative and helpful. Start with the easy things. You update radius (which you just download and put in the TDS directory, nothing to install or unpack, just drop the file there) Then configure the system: On TDS console (the GUI) take TDS > Configuration > Startup tab: i checked everything to be checked at TDS startup, the other three options are free choice as well -- i took the windows taskbar - NOT at windows startup (as the scanning takes some minutes with everything checked, so i start it manual after, taking that risk ) - starting normal; Servers tab: Fill in your ISP's site www.... ... and port 80 if you use a proxy fill in there, right column your smtp email server, in many cases mail.... ... or smtp ... ... and your email address, so with that you can test if you receive your email for alerts etc; Options tab: Enable or not the irc (if you never use chats leave it), timestamp to your liking (i like with a date and hour for reporting etc.) i checked everything else there, including the friendly greetings i like to be called with. The automatic updates don't work in the eval, but don't harm either. If you're content, click "save". Now you go to System testing > scan control. Also here i checked first time everything possible (NTFS is only for the NT and alike systems), on the next tab all and sensitivity on highest. OK, Save configuration. In this stage you are ready for your first scan! In that same menu just click "Full system scan" and see the results. The finds will come in a separate window enabling you to react on the alerts once your scan is ready. Depending on the alerts you can have further advice. In the TDS console upper right you see the "sockets" which you can load to have TDS listening on them for incoming traffic. Choose "automated", and i checked everything on the "options tab", left all default, (doesn't harm to click the initialize button) save. Think these are about the basics to start with. As you see, doesn't hurt yet Please come back with results and possible questions! BTW: you might like to have your windows msagent ready with some msagents characters and speech engines for the scripting part (which i'll explain a next time if you like) Good luck in the meantime with this first part!
Thanks for the great info! I'll make sure I did all those things if I have time late tonight. I checked the install log and it shows June 12! So apparently the eval doesn't time out at 30 days. I guess I need to read up on Cleaner vs TDS too. I was under the impression that TDS did what Cleaner does and more. I do have other questions already, just no more time at the moment to play with it then post. Ahl be bahk.
You might like to print out the first config instruction Later you might like to refine and uncheck some things, and in the TDS menu > Edit config txt files change some settings in the scan options. Hmmmm 12 June is over 30 days ago isn't it, i would suppose it starts and thanks you for the interest and recommends to register before it closes or thing like that. Yes, TheCleaner is a scanner, which you might start manually or have it even resident with the monitor function in it, TDS is a whole security toolbox, which you will find after a while a whole box of toys for joy! I won't go too deep into that this moment, because of your limited time and first have to see if you get it running again. About your discount question: TheCleaner (Moosoft) and TDS (DiamondCS) are different companies. I agree there are some companies who join at times their products. But DCS has so much in development this moment, the whole internet world who knows about TDS already is impatiently waiting for the TDS-4 version and some more very nice promissing tools in the build, so it sounds not really interesting for them at the moment to bundle with another product. This doesn't have to make you waiting with an eventual registration for tDS-3, as all registered operators will be upgraded to TDS-4 for free and it would give time to learn to know the software in the meantime. BTW: DCS has some nice freebies on their sites. Looking forward to your questions and remarks! As you've probably seen in the treads here for me it is about central on my system to do a lot from there or to test first with TDS before i trust a file, etc., not to forget the new world of scripting and adding the msagents and speech parts (yes! with your own script or maybe made together with other operators you can make scripts and you can add voice control, so once registered to be able to run bigger scripts you can surf around and tell TDS to update or to surf to one of the forums and lots more --- making TDS one of the first voice controlled security suites!) CUback!
I would like to thank taba and Jooske for this "Eval" Thread! It is all very helpful. It will be an excellent reference for TDS-3 beginners. I had these kind of questions the first time I started using TDS-3. This also fills in some gaps that I had. TDS-3 is an excellent program but it does have a rather high learning curve. Some people can find that daunting. It's nice to know that the more experienced users can lead the rest of us by the hand if need be. Thanks.
Thank you PS for your kind words, you gained a good Karma Point with this! As this is the intention of the long explanation as a quick start (that's why i use many words ) and besides Wayne i wonder if even he masters the whole TDS himself to the bottom, as the possibilities are only limited by our imagination . In the threads here and in the private forum you've read lots of uses besides security what it is intended for in the first place. But yeah, we want a toy for joy, don't we? I'm always happy when people ask, so i have opportunity to share my happyness again and it might inspire me to a new fun script. They have only one known big rock there in Australia, with a steap hight to climb, (Ayers Rock) of which we have an Ayers Rock version over here in the Netherlands as well to practise climbing, so why wouldn't the worlds only real protection have some steap learning curve as well and many hands to help us with that?
There are countless benefits to being a legally registered TDS Operator. Just some of these benefits include: * NO restrictions in TDS-3 * NO license expiry * Full access to all 50+ executables that make up TDS-3 * Access to our Members-only discussion forum * Access to specialops.diamondcs.com.au - a website for licensed TDS-3 operators * The ability to create protected and compressed CS3 scripts * The ability to load scripts larger than 5kb * The ability to use the #INCLUDE directive in LoadScript * Execution protection to prevent and block infections BEFORE they occur * Access to special priority email support * Automatic, live and manual updating of Radius databases * Full use of sockets in scripts (xSockets and mSockets, both support TCP & UDP) * Ability to generate skeletal socket scripts * All Radius database updates are FREE * All TDS-3 updates are FREE * All new and updated Advanced Extensions are FREE * All new and updated plugins are FREE As for comments about TDS having a steep learning curve, not really. In it's basic setup, it will perform like other anti-trojan programs. It's advantage becomes all the extras that are part of it and that can be used once you start learning about each of them.