Anyone here use or have used eudora? Seems as though i hear eudora's name brought up quite a bit and went to their site to have a look. I thought i was interested but now im not to sure after reading through their privacy statement something about a profile id being generated and sent back to eudora. and some other stuff. Whats everybodys thoughts comments on this program. Phazor
Hi Phazor, We use Eudora at my work (which is not exactly any recommendation), but I personally like The Bat! much better and from what I've read on this board (and others) Pocomail is another good alternative. Regards, Pieter
I agree with Pieter. I use Poco, but the Bat is more popular, as an alternative. One reason Eudora is a no go in my book is that it got sooooo popular, that now, exploits are being written for it.