LinkedIn ‘Job Offers’ Targeted Aerospace, Military Firms With Malware June 17, 2020 ESET: Operation In(ter)ception: Aerospace and military companies in the crosshairs of cyberspies
...and BEC scams: North Korea's state hackers caught engaging in BEC scams June 17, 2020
US defense and aerospace sectors targeted in new wave of North Korean attacks Cyber-security firm McAfee publishes details about "Operation North Star." July 30, 2020 McAfee: Operation (노스 스타) North Star A Job Offer That’s Too Good to be True?
North Korean hackers are targeting Israel's defense sector, Israel Ministry of Defense claims August 12, 2020 Clearsky: Operation ‘Dream Job’ Widespread North Korean Espionage Campaign
North Korean Hackers Used 'Torisma' Spyware in Job Offers-based Attacks November 5, 2020 McAfee: Operation North Star: Behind The Scenes