Hello, The ESET Software Antivirus Updates web page is now available as an RSS feed. This feed will provide ESET's customer with information about new releases, updates, test versions and other information. To subscribe, please point your RSS aggregator to http://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=rss&channel=NEWS. A listing of ESET's RSS feeds can be found at http://www.eset.com/us/rss. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
The webpage is not in sync with the RSS Feed. The webpage has an entry about Nod32 4.0 being released: The RSS feed has no reference to this: Is there something wrong with the RSS feed generator?
Hello, It looks like there was a synchronization error. The problem has been fixed. Thank you for reporting it. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
same here a mailinglist would be better, i havnt used rss i find it annoying to have to open a mail client when i use gmail i mail in my gmail will give me instant updates, as i allways check my mail
Hello, There are no plans to provide a mailing list of which I am aware. There may be RSS to email services available which provide equivalent functionality. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
Whoa, that's cool. Unfortunately, RSS feeds fill up your browser with junk n' gunk. The MicroSoft RSS feeds I got were usually crap, so are the Yahoo and AOL feeds.
I'll try it for a while. I use Outlook for RSS but actually use a web based email provider. Will see how it goes.
Hello, If you would like to get an idea of the frequency and content of updates to the feed, you can the browser-based version at http://www.eset.com/support/news. On average, about one to two updates a week, although things did pick up into the holiday season last year. The goal of the RSS feed is to provide information which is accurate, concise and relevant to ESET's customers, such as announcements of new releases, updates, holiday staffing hours for support and so forth. That said, it is not something that gets a lot of feedback on, so whether ESET is hitting the mark there is somewhat subjective. The ESET Threat Blog can also be subscribed to via RSS and features daily commentary and analysis. Although malware is one of the most frequently covered topics, a wide variety of topics regularly come up, including backup strategies, choosing strong passwords, data breaches social networking safety, testing and so forth. Typically is about one post a day, but that tends to vary depending upon conference schedules and the like. The @esetllc Twitter account mirrors a mixture of content from both of these sources. If you would like lighter fare, there is also the the ESET Fan Group on Facebook and @ESET on Twitter. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
Firefox doesn't recognize the link as an RSS feed... just a normal webpage. http://www.eset.com/support/news/rss.php No RSS icon or anything... FeedDemon doesn't like it either...
Hello, The url is now http://www.eset.com/rss/support-news. I have updated the origina message in this thread to reflect this. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
Hello, The links in the original message have been updated. Thank you for your report. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky
Hello, As you know that link doesn't work anymore. For the "News" the link is now: http://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&channel=NEWS