ESET Mail Security: Method to determine which mailboxes are protected.

Discussion in 'Other ESET Business Products' started by jcpro, May 14, 2012.

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  1. jcpro

    jcpro Registered Member

    May 14, 2012

    Is there a method to determine which mailboxes are protected with Mail Security?

    I purchased 40 mailbox licenses but I have 51 mailboxes in AD. How do I know which ones are protected and which are not?
    Running the EMSX_verifymailboxcount.exe tool just pulls a list of mailboxes from AD (not useful).
    Last edited: May 14, 2012
  2. DrewD

    DrewD Eset Staff Account

    Feb 19, 2010
    There is no way to determine this, and eventually the ESET product will not protect any mailboxes, as it is only allows a 42 day grace period, once it detects a license violation.

    Try to remove some mailboxes, or also you can contact the ESET Sales Team to acquire more seats to accommodate your total number of mailboxes.
  3. jcpro

    jcpro Registered Member

    May 14, 2012
    This seems like a huge oversight on ESET's part. Why would any administrator *not* want to know which mailboxes are protected?

    From a cost savings point of view it's completely logical to have user mailboxes protected and non-user (internal only) mailboxes not protected. The fact that ESET is now randomly protecting whatever mailboxes it chooses without disclosing which mailboxes are in fact protected is absolutely terrible app design.

    Very disappointed. My thoughts on recommending this to clients has changed.
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    1, internal mailboxes are not included in the mailbox count
    2, all mailboxes are protected, even if you're getting a warning that the number of protected mailboxes has exceeded your license so it's not true that ESET for Exchange would protect random mailboxes
    3, after exceeding the 42 days of the grace period during which a warning about excessive number of mailboxes in use has been reported, EMSX will stop protecting MS Exchange and a severe warning will be displayed in the main UI and a pop-up bubble, reported to the system Event log and to ERAS as well to make you aware of this.
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