Errors after Backdoor Detection

Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by bruce werner, Aug 1, 2003.

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  1. bruce werner

    bruce werner Guest

    my norton av detected a backdoor trojan and now I keep getting a runtime error code that i can't get rid of with any program- any ideas?
  2. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego
    Hi Bruce,

    Can you give us more details?

    What did NAV identify exactly?

    What are the errors your are encountering and when do you get them (are they random, or do they appear on their own)?

    Can you please download DCS's OpenPorts program from

    Unzip openports.exe in your Windows directory, and open up your Command Prompt and type;

    openports > openports.txt

    and then press the Enter key

    Then type;


    and press the Enter key again, and then copy the contents of the file in Notepad and paste it here for us to review

    Also, can you please download and run DCS's AutostartViewer from

    Go to the "Main" menu and make sure that all three top options are selected and then press "Save" and then copy & paste the results here for us to review.


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