Error E00640009 (create script)

Discussion in 'Other Acronis Products' started by rml, Jan 27, 2006.

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  1. rml

    rml Guest

    I get the following error when i start the deployment:

    Error E00640009: Erstellen des Deployment-Scripts fehlgeschlagen.

    Snap Deploy 1.0 Build 1307 on Windows Server 2003 std.

  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello rml,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Complete System Deployment Software.

    Could you please do the following in order to create Acronis Snap Deploy Agent logs so that we could continue investigation on this issue (this should be done on a target computer)?

    - When the client side of Acronis Snap Deploy is starting up, wait for boot menu to appear and press F11. As you get the "Linux kernel settings" prompt, remove the "quiet" parameter and press OK.
    - Select Acronis Snap Deploy Agent.
    - After you get the command prompt enter:

    product /mode:demon /log-level:verbose /log:../tmp/problem.log

    and press enter.

    - Reproduce the problem.
    - After you get the command prompt again insert a diskette into the floppy drive and enter:

    mkdir /mnt/t
    mount -t vfat /devfs/floppy/0 /mnt/t
    cp /tmp/problem.log /mnt/t
    umount /mnt/t

    - Collect the problem.log file from the diskette.

    Then, please, continue with the following in order to create Acronis OS Deploy Server logs:

    - Launch Acronis Snap Deploy Management Console;
    - Select the "Manage Deployment" option;
    - Specify the credentials for connecting to the machine with Acronis OS Deploy Server and click "OK";
    - Click on the "Show operations log" button on the icon bar;
    - Select the date you need the log from (this should be the last one, which was created when creating Acronis Snap Deploy Agent logs) and click on the "Save log entry to file" (diskette) button;
    - Specify the path and the filename for the log file and click "Save".
    - Collect this log file too.

    Please submit a request for technical support. Attach all the collected files to your request along with the step-by-step description of the actions taken before the problem appears and the link to this thread. We will investigate the problem and try to provide you with the solution.

    Thank you.
    Kirill Omelchenko
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