If anyone can remember, could you tell me if it was Eraser 5.83 that had the single contect menu entry; the entry for moving files only appeared via drag-and-drop to another location. I think it is but I am not sure. Does anyone have version 5.83 (or 5.84) they could send me? I can't find it at sourceforge.
You mean without the 'Secure Move' feature in the context-menu? That seems to go back a long way. If you can figure out a version number - I've got most of the old Eraser setup files. Our own 'Spy1' here at Wilders would be a good one to ask as he's a moderator at the Eraser forums.
Maybe this will further explain what I mean. One of the screenshots below is of the default context menu from Eraser 5.87 b1 shown when right-clicking on any file and/or directory. The other is the default from Eraser 5.87 b1 shown when dragging and dropping. It makes sense to have the 'move" entry there, but not in the first.
When you right click on a file and click on secure move it brings up a dialog box asking where you want to move the file to Eraser then copys and pastes the file in the location and erases the orignal file.
I'm tempting to run this latest version on Vista 32 bit.Has anyone had any problems with this on Vista?Thanks.