ERAS 4, NOD32 v4 and some troubles updating from mirror

Discussion in 'ESET Server & Remote Administrator' started by damonhill, Jun 2, 2012.

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  1. damonhill

    damonhill Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    Hi everyone,

    I'm having some problems with a new customer. It has a ERAS and a lot of NOD32 clients updating from ESET, but a few of them do it from the ERAS mirror in the server (w2k3 sp3), at least till two weeks ago when the license for the clients was renewed . I need no make a lot of troubleshooting but, by now, i already have some doubts.

    first one. Connecting with the ERAC and configuring de server>updates tab, in Updates Status shows an error ( _srr0), and clicking "Update now" it results in the same error after trying to update. In the registry log for the ERAS shows a error4, with aditional errror 2001 in the <UPDATER>. I googled that but i couldn't find the meaning of that error code.
    I readed somewhere too, a warning related to PCU updates resulting in clients not being able to update, but i couldn't check that.

    The other problem i can think of is that the new license was added to that NOD32 clients to force them to update (¿?), maybe resulting in two HTTP servers clashing. I would like to know if this is happening but not how to do it

    I need some light on this topics...any help will be greatly appreciated.

    (I apologize for not following the instructions on how to report issues but I still don't have many information. I promise to complete it )
  2. DrewD

    DrewD Eset Staff Account

    Feb 19, 2010
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