ERAC: How to display DATE/TIME of "Last Threat Alert" in Clients pane?

Discussion in 'ESET Server & Remote Administrator' started by Reedmikel, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    In ERAC, when looking at the Clients pane, there is a "Last Threat Alert" column that displays the name/type of alert. It would be very helpful to have a column showing the date/time of this last alert (for obvious reasons).

    Is there a way to add this info to the grid for the Clients tab? I rgt-clicked on Clients pane grid and chose Show/Hide columns, but do not see and field for this date/time of last threat alert...


  2. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    Most likely this is not possible. However, you can check the details about alerts after double-clicking the desired cell in the Clients pane.
    I've requested to add this information as part of the Custom info that is configurable via the advanced ERAS setup.
  3. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    I was afraid you were going to say it can't be done :) I do know I can check each threat's details, but that does not help me sort the threat pane by the Last Threat Alerts's date/time...

    Thanks for passing that along as an enhancement request!
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