eqs+SuRun question

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by chris2busy, Jun 28, 2008.

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  1. chris2busy

    chris2busy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    is there a tweak needed when running those two combined?i mean i install eqs and accept a couple of prompts when i open a trusted applicatio(some of them are Surun->Surun actions) and then it seems that anything is accepted..i open all other applications and no prompts..i just see the pop up saying what accepted..i deleted all rules in all 3 modules (app,registry,file protection modules) and retried..same result..

    any1 with personal experience that is using both , can shed some light?
  2. chris2busy

    chris2busy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    nobody? :/
  3. tlu

    tlu Guest

    I've never tried EQS, and I never will. But you should ask EASTER - he's using both apps.
  4. jdd58

    jdd58 Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2008
    You might try running EQS as admin in the SuRun settings.

    I had similar problems a while back but don’ have either installed atm.

    It seems EQS needs admin rights under LUA.

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    Real simple, but then not automatic either as normally expected. Running SuRun with EQS for me just certifies that the LUA app is doing it's job, i like insurance.

    But, every boot i have to go to the EQS folder and use SuRun to start it "as admin", then after that all is perfect.

    Depends on if you want to bother with it or not. Like tlu said, you really could skip a HIPS as long as you have SuRun configured properly as well as other restrictions covered.

  6. chris2busy

    chris2busy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    oh goodie looks like we got a winner :)
    EASTER will it work if i add it from the SuRun menu and choose "automatically start this programm with elevated rights" so that i won't need to do it every time?or the security tab with full access?im asking since i have to re-image to try it again..
    well with all that issues for SRP being bypassed and kafu.exe not working for me its kinda a cover for those 7 registry entries(monitoring set for just those)
    and to controll autorun infections hopping from drive to drive as i do not want to infect a friend since they cannot harm me (i trade alot of papers for univercity)

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    Let's hope so. I don't have my SuRun + EQS drive connected right now, but i'm fairly sure it worked to perfection. In fact once it took hold i think EQS started up as Admin pretty consistently, but check me on that. I do know for a 100% FACT, that SuRun does work well with EQS with no issues, but pls keep in mind, this was with version SuRun 1.209 an earlier version. I haven't yet tested it with the latest because i've had such good luck with the older version. And most of you know i tend to hand onto early version releases simply because when i find them working as i expect i tend to stick with it.

    Best of luck and pls let us know how it goes. I didn't mind really having to manually restart EQS on reboot because it stays running admin throughout the session regardless.

    Tlu, encourages, and for good reason to try the latest releases and thats all well and good but i'm new to newer versions and don't always get everything configured right untill i've had time to work with it awhile.

  8. chris2busy

    chris2busy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    will do as soon as im done with a project im in the middle of :) pretty happy running the latest version of SuRun so far :)
    will report back when i get time to re-image thanks for the tip man :p
  9. lucas1985

    lucas1985 Retired Moderator

    Nov 9, 2006
    France, May 1968
    Tweak UI :)
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