encryption programs

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by snowy, Jun 16, 2002.

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  1. snowy

    snowy Guest

    due to what seems an interest in encrption programs I will begin this topicnow.....an from time to time perhaps add others ,,,,,,,.....to get this as condensed as possible I wont offer any comments.....nor will I test each program...so it will be entirely on each person to do so.



    please note that whenever possible I will try to list freeware...........also please note that others should jion in an post which ever encryption programs they care to.

  2. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Easy Crypto Delux

    multi-lanuage support (changed on the fly)

    snowy (snowman)

    NOTE: I sure its fully understood that I am not tesing these programs..........common sense ditacts testing for possible spyware as a common practice.
  3. snowy

    snowy Guest

    well this has not been one of my better ideas..would require far to much time......a quick search of googles reveal tons of e mail encrytion programs.....so instead of my having suppler ever night on the internet....anyone wanting to explore this subject can go to googles an enter:

    e mail enycryption freeware

    you will be looking at more selections than you could ever possibly use.


    be careful of spyware
  4. snowy

    snowy Guest

    missing link for easy crypto homepage


    snowy the snowman
  5. snowy

    snowy Guest

    ***special note about easy crypto***

    from website

    Securely wiping files - After you encrypt files, EasyCrypto securely wipes originals automatically

    ** wiping of the originals may not always be desire...yet it will do so automatically....I've no idea if this can be changed but I seriously doubt it could. For this reason I personally would pass on this program.....it seem alittle needlessly dangerous (easy to lose a wanted file)

    snowy the snowman
  6. controler

    controler Guest

    "e mail enycryption freeware"

    Just a quick not on most search engines for those not familier with Bolean searches.

    If you want the search engine to search for all words in the way you typed them you need to ad the AND statement to the search
    with a space after the wordand before the next word. Other wise you will notice after your search all your words are not highlited in the results.


    email and encryption and freeware

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