maybe im just paranoid but this program tried to access the net twice now.. i cant find it on my harddisk at all with search.. so anyone heard of it?
It is not on my machine. (w2k) It has the look of a temp file. Do you have a path for this file? What did you use to detect this connection? Maybe try a firewall that gives you the full path of the application like Kerio Personal Firewall.
I use ZA free edition... and I remember it being in Windows/temp the first time, but I could not find it there. This time there seems to be no indication (maybe I forgot where I looked last time )
if it is a temp folder, delete it. (unless you have installed something since your last reboot in which case reboot then delete it.)
thats the confusing part.. the first time i emptied my temp folder totally... even though i could not find it in there, not even as a hidden file. This time I just don't know... but it hasn't been causing any problems and I scanned with Trojanchecker 5 so now i will do some more extensive Virus checking since I found nothing.. hopefully it was just some stupid quirk or somethin'...
Hi detox, grab a trial copy from TDS-3 from our downloads page:, grab the latest radius file from the downloads page on the Diamondcs website and perform a deep/total system scan, all files included. Keep us posted! regards. paul
thanks m8! that TDS-3 is a rather impressive program, at least it seems that way to me.. but I looked all over the DiamondCS site and couldn't find anything about Radius files... I scanned with the TDS-3 anyway and came up clean, and when i shut it down ZA asked if "Radius update" could access the internet so I said yes.. ?? Feeling kinda dumb hehe
Hi Detox, Click on that link that Paul gave you. Click on: TDS v3.2.0 now available! Click on download (at the left site) Scroll down, until you see: Latest TDS-3 Radius Database - updated daily Beneath that you see the link. HTH
It could be that your copy of TDS-3 is set up to automatically check for updates. In the TDS-3 window: Click: Configuration. Go to the Options Tab. Under Misc Options: see whether the following box is check-marked: Automatic Database Updates
hmm yeah automatic database uptdates is checked already.. but it didnt tell me that it did update or anything like that! I'll check out the link again also.
Hmm got it I hope that it was the right thing to do do replace the file with the same name in the TDS-3 directory... It sounds like the logical thing to do. Now off to scan again...
Well I replaced the radius file like I said in my last post and ran another full test last night, everything came up clean so I guess it was just some uirky program... It had asked for server rights too though... Ahh well anyway thanks a lot for the suggestion of trying TDS-3 I really like it so far! With this have I no need for Trojancheck 5? I figure its a good idea to use both but if the TDS-3 does all that Trojan does I guess there'd be no use!
Hi Detox, Glad to know your system is clean . One can use both. TC is in principal a program to check all sorts of entries where a trojan(server) can be found; it's not a trojan scanner - that's an (outdated) extra feature. Although TDS will cover your system well, provided you update the radius very frequent, there's no harm in having TC as an on demand extra. regards. paul