Easy and effective.

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by curious george, Jul 15, 2008.

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  1. curious george

    curious george Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    I tried to use VMWARE, i think i got it down but its TOO big and its a bit complex. I was wondering if there was another other app that can take images of your computer, just in case you need to restore it or run some "tests" on it.
  2. majoMo

    majoMo Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2007
    Easy to use and efective:

    > "take images of your computer" - Macrium Reflect FREE Edition, I use it to do images and restore if needed. It has a plugin to BartPE that is very useful.

    > "run some "tests" on it" - You can use Returnil to do that. Very good.
  3. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    When you have a seagate or maxtor disk try the free version of acronis, called maxxblast
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