If this is the only system you have, there is a possibility that the restore may break your system. Especially if you try and restore from that system. Did you try the command I suggested as a test to verify if you can view the image contents?
Ok, going to bed now and will continue/try tomorrow. If you help me to pull this through it would be awesome and i owe you .
I have a clone of the entire system, and another Pc. Why break, what`s the potential problem? I used the command as is, did not work. The result said that "snapshot" was not a recognized internal or external command, etc. Something like that.
A potential problem could be a corrupt backup file or disk errors during restore. Then change to the directory where snapshot.exe is located and run the command from there. You get that error message when the snapshot location is not included in the path.
Well, the disc is ok, and the image can be checked. Besides that i have all the type of images necessary for the endevour so lets go. As i said in post #350, i want to restore the whole image so i am not interested in looking at the content.
Did you actually run the command I suggested successfully? If so, you can apply the same principle trying a restore using the restore example from the help. If you are just testing and have no worries losing your system, try doing just the c partition 1st ("d:\DS avbilder\1.sna"). Change to the directory where snapshot is located and run the restore command for that partition.
Hi Brian I have looked through the thread and i could not find anything that has to do with what i want to accomplish mentioned in post #338 of mine. A more automated restore is my aim, so there will be less clicking in the second half of the restore routine with DS. That clicking is pointless if one does it the same way all the time. Adric suggested a script that i do not know how to design for my Pc.
Got that one and working great! It's the PE of choice where i use (MY) Drive Snapshot on. Amazing the speed at which it loads compared to any others in the tool bin. Fastest yet.
hi today is out Drive SnapShot and can i ask you if there is a way to mount the backup via gui? and copy files from the backup to a destination? or do I need to use the command line like ? Code: C:\> SNAPSHOT X:\C-Drive.sna Z: -V thanks
Is this what you mean? Once mounted explorer (Map and Explore Virtual Drive) can be launched to access the files.
Hi i have tried but i can't see any virutal drive with the content of the backup i can't see any drive letters do you? can you mount and give a letter and use total commander or explorer to browse and copy file to another destination? i have used explorer and total commander thanks