Dreamweaver CS3 and SmartSecurity

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by tinicum, Oct 17, 2008.

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  1. tinicum

    tinicum Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2008
    Hi - new here - I read previous posts on this and am still unable to establish FTP connections on Dreamweaver with Smart Security.

    I have Interacitve Mode set (on the personal Firewall) - and under Rules I have listed Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. Have set the Remote Info to Passive FTP on the site def. in Dreamweaver. Still something is a mess!

    Dreamweaver log files say I am "technically" connected - however, nothing will display for the remote side - and if I click a button (any button!) - Dreamweaver hangs.

    I'm also very new to ESET products and the CS3 ver. of Dreamweaver.
    I must be missing something really really obvious. Any help gratefully appreciated!
  2. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Can you see an Adobe application with connection established/listening in ESS's Protection Status -> Personal firewall (ESS must be in Advanced mode).

    Can you post a screenshot from the rules you have created for the program .

    Note that it might also be a Dreamweaver issue , as notet by some posters here https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=211830&highlight=Adobe Dreamweaver
  3. tinicum

    tinicum Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2008
    Hi HighTech-boy,

    Many thanks for trying to help me out!

    Yes - in advanced mode I can see that it is listening in - then - the connection gets dropped. (By the way - no problem with connections using FTP access "directly" with something like WS_FTP). At the same time as Smart Security sees my connection - my FTP log in Dreamweaver does show that I am connected, in theory - just nothing displaying.

    Note then comes up in Dreamweaver to toggle Passive FTP (it is already set ON). ESET then either drops the connection or stops listening - as it's no longer there.

    Never done a screen shot - hope it's OK. It should be attached.

    Finally - I did read that entire post before - thanks again though. Definitely COULD be DRWvr. but I doubt it - none of this occurred until I installed ESET Smart Security - was working just great before that.

    All help most appreciated!

    Attached Files:

  4. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005
    I can report the same issue for Dreamweaver MX here even with a rule for Dreamweaver to allow all from every on every in both directions.
    Observing carefully, there is no data on :20

    Screenshot - 20_10_2008 , 4_13_05 AM.png
    Screenshot - 20_10_2008 , 4_09_28 AM.png

    However with this every rule set I can then enable either passive mode FTP or SFTP mode and it then works fine.
    Using EAV Dreamweaver works fine here in any of these modes and I haven't tried to fine-tune the ESS firewall any further yet.

    Cheers :)

    EDIT: I should mention that passive and SFTP modes also work here when ESS firewall is set to Automatic mode.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  5. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005
    Update: Even though this seems a less than ideal solution, excluding Dreamweaver from HTTP checking has resolved all connectivity issues - Dreamweaver does in fact pull content from the web via HTTP.

    Screenshot - 9_01_2009 , 4_33_56 AM.jpg

    Cheers :)
  6. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Was it ticked in the first place? How does it react with no tick(blank)?
  7. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005
    Mine was ticked automatically at some point after I dragged/copy+pasted some content over from a web page - the cross was to make sure it didn't happen again.

    Cheers :)
  8. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    You should leave it blank if it works, excluding apps isn't a good thing to practice. Blank is just a lower form of scanning since it isn't a web browser.
  9. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005

    I agree - but won't it possibly be marked as a browser again automatically at some point? That's what I'm trying to avoid.

    Cheers :)
  10. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Nope, not on that machine anyway.
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