Download accelarators

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Bethrezen, Jun 27, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    i have a question

    to my understanding the way download accelarators work is by spliting up files in to several smaller bits and downloadin them all at the same time

    and i was wonderin if anyone knows of a free scum ware free download accelarator that works becaust right now i have stardownloader which i decided to downloaded and try out last nite after readin a post somwhere else on this forum

    however it doesnt apear to work see i ran a test and downloaded a 1.35 mb normaly and timed it it took 5min 27 sec then i downloaded the same file again using stardownloader with the file split in to 5 bits and timed it and i got 4 min 54 sec

    now what i want to know is why was there only a 33 sec increase in download speed shouldnt the file have downloaded 5 times faster by my calculatioins that should be 1 min 5 sec

    so like any good tester i repeated the test using a difrent file this time 1.12 mb and got prity much the same results

    can someone please clarfiy this for me
  2. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Well to answer your question about free downloaders, I haven't found any I liked. I use Opera, and the downloader on it works fine for me most of the time. It doesn;t have options to shut down when done and things like that.
    Your downloads are affected by the bandwidth available and traffic. The difference in times I saw on yours looks like you were using all the bandwidth you had available the first time. Splitting into a thousand files will not speed up anything if you only have so much bandwidth.
    The secret is to make sure you are using all the bandwidth available, and a good downloader should do that. I don't know any free ones that do that.
    I'm on 56k dialup so I don't really know how DSL and cable work in this area, but I do know there are always bandwidth restrictions.
  3. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge
    Why did you think it would be 5 times faster because of taking 5 deals instead of one ?
    Following up your meaning, if you took 25 strings, it should d/l 25 faster lool.

    It does work as you spare about 10% time but it cannot do any wonder : if your bandwith is 768 kbps it cannot make it 3.5 Mbps :)
    It optimizes your d/l and allows "reprise (take over in Eng ?).
    Star downloader is among the best, free without Spy- or adwares, selects among the sites offering the d/l you requested which one is the faster, I do not think you 'll find a better one for free as for now.

  4. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi thanks for your replys its a lil bit clearer now

    this brings me on to my next question i have a 56k dial up modem but when i dial up im not geting my maxmum dial up speed of 56 k at best im only geting 36 k so my question is how would i optomize my conection so that it always dials up at 56k see iv tryed using some of the conection optomizers and thay dont apear to make any diffrence wether this is just coz the program dosnt work or through some fault of my own i dont know any sergestions would be aprecated
  5. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hi Bethrezen! I'm the guy who provided the Star Downloader Link. (Thank you, JacK!) I have DSL so my bandwidth is greater than regular dial-up. When I do d/l's the timing is about 1Mb per minute. I split it into 6 parts.

    Have you checked with your ISP about the bandwidth? I suspect that 36K is all you'll get from them. In my neck of the woods, regular dial-up costs are anywhere from about $10 to $25 per month. My DSL is about $30 with unlimited access. (Cable here starts at $85!) Usually, bigger bandwiths cost more!
  6. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    After you check with your ISP, if he says you should be getting better, get the phone company to check your lines.
    I'm out in the middle of the Ozarks, in the middle of nowhere, miles away from the nearest telly exchange and I always get at least 48k, sometimes 50.2k.
    Prince - grrrrr. I'm jealous. :D

    Edit: Just to make sure I'm not assuming, you are sure you have a 56k modem that is compatible with the ISPs format, right?
  7. snowy

    snowy Guest


    DLS for $30 a montho_O in my area that want $49.99 per month....the same as cable cost.....somehow it doesn't compute that they ask the same price for DLS and Cable....


    Think I'll go backwards an fly kites...wanna bet the snakes would find a way to collect info on the kite type...etc
  8. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    Don't expect miracles if you provider limits the bandwith (it may vary following the hours) but according to you OS you could optimize the MTU and the max RWIN to get the best of your line.

  9. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi jack

    "according to you OS you could optimize the MTU and the max RWIN to get the best of your line."

    how would i do this ??
  10. Mike_Healan

    Mike_Healan Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2002
    Take a look here:
  11. WE Sim

    WE Sim Guest

    Hi Bethrezen!

    Try LeechGet here:-
  12. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Sorry it took me a week to respond. snowman? It may be a long time before you can read this but here goes. The prices for local DSL and Cable probably reflect your area's population density. My city isn't very big so Cable is much more than DSL. Even so, there are more people using DSL here (as the only reasonable alternative to the high costs of Cable) so it's cheaper than in other areas. If Cable cost the same here, I'd get it!

    Thanks too for those optimizing links. They come in handy. :)
  13. Rickster

    Rickster Guest

    Some may find this useful. Has a 15 day trial - can manually or automatically tweak MTU & RWIN, or undo changes. Up to 5 speed tests per day to their server are graphed. Was able to go from smokin to flamin using it anyway.
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