Doing a survey on fire walls

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Mr.Blaze, Aug 16, 2002.

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  1. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    want to know the majority of fire walls ever one at this bord loves and uses and what hard ware fire walls if any=)
  2. parkersxs

    parkersxs Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2002

    I use ZA Pro, Sygate Pro and Tiny Pro (only one at a time!). I think the main thing is to spend enough time to configure them to your needs and get comfortable with their performance. In my experience these all work very well. I've had a problem with Tiny crashing my system but I think that can be corrected. If I had to pick just one I would probably go with Sygate. However, any would be a fine choice. I would also like to try Outpost. Have heard some good things about it.
  3. claire

    claire Guest

    I use LookandStop with enhanced ruleset.Perfect for me,
    no too complicated and no ressourceshog.
    I recommend it
    Regards :)
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hi everybody, goodmorning, and what a grand day it is just to be alive. :D
    @ parkersxs, If Tiny is crashing your system, it is probably because you have too many firewall installed.
    @ Everybody.
    Some thing I found out about firewalls while working as a mod at Agnitum. When you have a firewall JUST INSTALLED ON YOUR MACHINE, and you boot your machine, the basic firewall protection is loaded into memory, even if you are not loading the firewall GUI or protection. ZA creates the biggest problem for other firewalls as it loads the true vector engine and it really grabs the stack so to speak. Sygate also will cause major problems if installed with other firewalls.
    I have heard all the gurus saying Iv'e been running with two firewalls installed for years and havent had a problem. How do they know? When you have two or more programs trying to control what goes in and comes out of your gates, and they are trying to work at the lowest level possible, do you really believe there could be no conflict?
    A firewall is a backup line of defense. One should use a firewall that they trust to do the job. I know it is fun to play with different firewalls, I love to do it myself, but 1 at a time.
    The firewall I use, Outpost, I trust 100%. I do not need anything else installed that will mess with it deep in the bowels of the OS where it does its thing.
    I urge everyone that feels they are well protected, that subscribe to the philosophy, "I have used XXX for years and nothing has gotten past it", to stop and think for a minute. How do you knowo_O?
    I had a friend that had been using McAfee AV since day one. She swore by it. Always had the latest versions and always updated it. She started having some little problems here and there and asked me to look at her computer. Initialy I couldn't find anything wrong, so I installed AVP, updated it, ran a scan, and found over 100 files infected by three different viruses, one of them was WM.Marker, one of the oldest most common viruses around. Go figure.
    You just never can be sure what going on where you can't see.
    There are several good firewalls around. Outpost, Kerio, LNS, Sygate, and maybe more. Used in conjunction with a router if you have a lan, you get your best protection. I cannot use a router because I am on dialup. Otherwise I would use one.
    You do need a software firewall with a router for outbound traffic.

    The opinions above are mine and mine alone. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management. I reserve the right to deny everything I have ever said as usually I don't have a clue about what I am talking about. If for some strange reason, you agree 100% with anything I say, you should probably talk to your shrink about it.
    Have a nice day.
  5. Stu

    Stu Guest

    I use a draytek 2200 usb router with built in firewall able to block inbound and outbound requests and i also use the last version of Atguard.I know its old but i have grown rather used to it over the years.
  6. notageek

    notageek Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    I use Outpost. So Far so good. :D I used ZA for a while there and didn't like th fact that it was a resource hog. With Outpost I don't use WW. Outpost does some of the other stuff WW did. Well Blaze I know you're trying to find the perfect firewall and all I can say is find the one that fights your needs. :)
  7. grey_ghost

    grey_ghost Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002

    Started years ago with BI, went to ZA then to PCViper and Sygate.

    Now very happy with Outpost. :)

  8. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Maximum out-of-the-box protection and ease of set-up = Look'n'Stop using the 'Advanced' Ruleset.

    Fun to play with and has a lot more features and a steeper learning curve = OutPost.

    (I use them both - one-at-a-time, of course - just switch them around when I get bored). Pete
  9. eyespy

    eyespy Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2002
    Oh Canada !!
    Here ya' go Blazeman..
    I've always used ZA. Easy to use and works very well. I've Beta tested the newer ZA's and was also a user of ZA Pro. I believe that ZA Pro is one of the best if not the best FW. I did find it didn't like XP too well.
    I'm now using Sygate PFW. This seems to be the smoothest operating FW I've found yet. I've tried Out Post a while back, but just didn't like it. Maybe I'll try it again based other member's reviews and comments.
    right now it's Sygate my friend !!

    bill ;)
  10. controler

    controler Guest

    Using Outpost with adon and like it so far :D

    Stu? I know you can't use @guard with any Windows newer than 98.
    What will you do as you move up?

    XP works well with Outpost so far. Also using JAP
    and leave the Windows XP builtin firewall on.
    I also use a Linksys Router on a wireless internet connection.
    I really like the ease of use and the logs linksys has.
    Linksys's interface is your browser.
  11. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I used Tiny for a while. Then ZA then Kerio. Now I use Outpost. It's great protection plus has a very small buttocks with respect to system resources & cpu usage [I run a very old box]. Also, OP has a friendly and helpful forum.

    Aloha, Bellgamin
  12. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002

    Using a few firewalls in turn, depending on how well they do against pcflank's firewalls-testing battery, and upon new releases or beta-versions.

    I loved Tiny PF, except at the time it didn't show 'stealthed' on some important ports.

    I also tried Kerio PF, which at the beginning used technology that already could be found in Tiny, with some additional features. I loved it very much, and especially appreciated the feedback I regularly got when contacting Kerio's development team to communicate.

    IMHO, KPF is also the firewall company which is the fastest at updating/bug-correcting their product. I remember they once launched two or three successive versions over a couple of weeks - talk about trying to stay up-to-date !

    Now a beta-version of KPF is out, tested it, but not ready to fly yet. It nevertheless seems to be a highly promising firewall, with new interfaces and functions, ability to switch from light configuration mode for newbies to advanced configuration features for one who likes to mess up with rules creations. Can't wait to see the next regular version.

    ZoneAlarm I also liked very much, but have never tried the more recent versions since I keep hearing some bad reports about these. Of course, ZoneAlarm didn't allow for precise rule configuration, being a solely application-based firewall.

    I also at the time failed some DoS pcflank-tests when using ZoneAlarm. But beside that, I found it to be a very nice software.

    Outpost I tested also, and had kind of a love/hate relationship with it. At first, I found it used too much of cpu resources, but that problem completely disappeared over time with new versions coming out.

    On some pcflank 'stealthing-capability-tests', it first did poorly, then improved 'til becoming 'full-stealthed' on the tested ports. I was very happy, but still encountered stealthing problems aginst some less-original trojan-ports scanning.

    Again I must say that these problems are now fully solved, and that, in fact, Outpost may very well be, for the time being, the most complete and user-friendly software firewall I know of.

    Also an extremely good follow-up by the team at Agnitum's support forum. I think more companies should adopt such a good 'quality-support tool'.

    Sygate I still have to try, but I had some problems installing on some configurations. Seems to use a lot of cpu resources, but I can't say very much about Sygate PF since it is new to me.

    Look'n'Stop is still a mystery to me. I hear very good things about it, some less, so I still have to make my own opinion about it.

    Spy1, is the 'Advanced Ruleset' you're talking about ready-made and available as soon as you install LnS, or do you have to dwl this ruleset over the Internet ? Do you succed against all pcflank's tests with LnS ?

    Rgds, Crockett
  13. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Much as I love OP I decided to give LooknStop a try, based on comments above.

    I don't test a product unless its purchase price is within my range. I searched LnS's site trying to find the price. "Buy it" doesn't tell you anything UNLESS you already have downloaded the program to obtain some sort of code. No thanks!

    Finally I located a price on their FAQ. It states:

    "Look 'n' Stop Look 'n'Stop is the least expensive commercial personal firewall: 27,45$ "

    Now what in the world is 27,45$ ? $27.45? $27? $45? which?

    By the way, their site is very unfriendly to one like myself who uses dial-up. Their pages all run to nearly 200K with 30 or 40 images on each. Their FAQ page was even bigger! I suppose they figure, if you don't have broadband then you can't afford to pay 27,45$ anyway. :p
  14. claire

    claire Guest

    Hi Crockett,
    If you allow me to answer for Spy1,yes the advanced ruleset are available as soon as you download LnS.
    I passed all the test with flying colors at PCflank
    Bonne Soirée chère Crockett :)
  15. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hi, I think /27,45 $/ means "$27.45".

    They wrote it that way because that's the way you write it in French, and they're French-talking guys.

    In fact, LnS is, as far as I know, a french software.

    If the pages at LnS are too heavy to fast-download on your connection, it may be because of pictures embedded in the site (I don't know about it since I've not visited yet).

    If so, ask your browser to dwl the pages WITHOUT dwl images - you'll get the texts and can speed up time.

    Claire, just saw your post. Thanks.

  16. claire

    claire Guest

    It's my pleasure Crockett,
    I must add that the email support of Frederic(the coder of LnS) is fast and friendly even during the Sundays!!And you're right these guys are French talking.There is also a very godd support forum at Becky's as you already know
  17. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    I use Sygate 5.0 free firewall.I am very happy with it so far.
  18. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002

    Do you succeed against all pcflanks tests ( using Sygate free ?

    Crockett [Trying to post as short a message as possible for once] :)
  19. parkersxs

    parkersxs Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2002
    root made some very good points. Certainly part of getting "comfortable" and confident with any firewall involves developing an understanding of what it is and what it does. With various tools available you can monitor and analyze system, components, registry, logs, traffic (both ways), etc. and follow up with various scans and cross scans to confirm your system is sound. When there are questions it is important to be able to find the answers. I was certainly not born with inate firewall ability and am still just a rookie. I am grateful for forums such as this and for other online resources that enable me to make more educated decisions. The most important point however, is the fact that we do have some good products to choose from and good people to help you use those products successfully! Appreciate the fouum!
  20. controler

    controler Guest

    If any of you are using Outpost, you MUST use the ADBLOCK ruleset
    located at.

    Very easy to add on. all you do is download the adon files,
    open Outpost, highlight and right click on Ads,
    select properties, click on that little icon , go to the files you downloaded ( ag-ads.ctl)and click on it and you are off and running

    also spyware blocking adon here.
  21. Stu

    Stu Guest

    Your right controler i do use win 98 if i do upgrade in the future i suppose i will use NIS its pretty much the same. :)
  22. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    I use Kerio, i.e. version 2.1.4. Easy to use, allows a lot of control, light on resources and it's freeware. If I were to purchase a firewall, it would definitely be Look N Stop for the same reasons I like Kerio.
  23. Raygun

    Raygun Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2002
    The Beach!
    I use Black Ice Protection v. 3.5

    so far so good... crosses fingers! :)
  24. Rickster

    Rickster Guest

    ZA 2.6.362 with XP ICF enabled, tight as drum, never a problem or program conflict - Got ZA Pro but decided not to bother, especially with the number of coflicts others were reporting. Figure if it's not broken - leave it alone.
  25. zappa

    zappa Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Los Angeles, Ca.
    I've been using no firewall at all. I have Kerio installed but use it for "surprise" checks only. I rely on the multi layers of protection installed. I am just about to set up router, in
    fact tomorrow, after the Tony Robbins video. :D
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