Does Online Armor & Regdefend do the same thing?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Brother Esau, Oct 23, 2008.

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  1. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    I know that OA is a Firewall with H.I.P.S my question is does the HIPS of online armor work on the same premise as APP Defend / Process Guard and it can be used in conjunction with RegDefend?

    I own Reg Defend and and have been following Jasons work since 2004 with DCS when he was Programming Process Guard and Crypto Suite which I also own as well. Since selling my Cisco ASA 5510 I decided to try Online Armor and no doubt it has to be the smoothest Software Firewall I have ever used and I like it very much but I am a little behind on the Current H.I.P.S technology and I have no idea to what extent it has developed o_O Is the H.I.P.S in OA a Registry Protector Like RegDefend or is it a Mature Technology of Process Guard?

    In short can RegDefend be used Harmoniously in Conjunction with Online Armor or will it compete?
  2. alex_s

    alex_s Registered Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    I'm afraid nobody can say this. The only way is to make system backup and try :)

    I only can say that OA has predefined list of registry entries it watches for. They are really numerous. And this is currently is going to change to fully featured flexible registry tracker
  3. chrome_sturmen

    chrome_sturmen Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2006
    Regdefend's registry protection is more complex and all-encompassing than is online armor's, which is limited. I do think that they could be used together harmoniously, as i've used regdefend alongside many other h.i.p.s. with no troubles (although of course this increases pop-ups)

    good luck:thumb:
  4. tipstir

    tipstir Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2008
    SFL, USA

    RegProt is what I use.. This one you mention just seems to have a GUI.
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