Does anyone know why tctemp/tcgina web sites are unavailable?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by DavidXanatos, Sep 28, 2008.

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  1. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    Does anyone know why racoons web sides: and are unavailable?
  2. GlobalForce

    GlobalForce Regular Poster

    Jun 30, 2004
    Garden State, USA
    Re: Does anyone know why tctemp/tcgina web sides are unavailable?

    I'm sure you've thought technical or maintenance related. Contact

    TCTEMP automates the process of using TrueCrypt to on-the-fly encrypt temporary files and print spooler files. TCTEMP creates new random keys and a new random password for a TrueCrypt volume during Windows startup. It then mounts the TrueCrypt volume and initializes the volume's file system. The file system is initialized by copying the contents of an image file to the TrueCrypt volume. Only those sectors are copied to the TrueCrypt volume which are required to replicate the file system. The initialization procedure should therefore be as fast as using quick-format.

    TCGINA allows the use of TrueCrypt to on-the-fly encrypt a Windows user profile. A Windows user profile usually contains user registry files, user documents and settings, temporary files, etc. TCGINA detects whether a user profile is encrypted (stored on a TrueCrypt volume) and mounts the corresponding TrueCrypt volume before continuing the Windows log on procedure. TCGINA is implemented as a stub GINA and works together with the original Windows GINA (MSGINA DLL) or with a custom GINA.

    Patience ....
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  3. Squeller

    Squeller Registered Member

    Sep 13, 2008
    Thx GlobalForce, we know what his sites are about ;)
    DavidXanatos, they're back. Unfortunately still no (visible) progress on - I'm starving for encrypted user profiles in Vista :)
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