Doc Scrubber and more..

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Longboard, Jan 29, 2006.

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  1. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Thankyou to J-cools for your apps. :D

    Never had problems to date with the ones I use.

    Am about to start using D-S.
    Any specific tips prior to loading?

    I am hoping you might know a similar app that will strip the meta-data from Excel or Power Point docs.

    Any suggestions?

  2. SSJ

    SSJ Guest

    Hi Longboard,

    I found that microsoft released a while back ago 0_0;; in 2004 a program to clear meta data in office files as well.
    You can check their software here:
    But im not sure if which is the best and safer??

    Can someone tell me what the differences are between microsoft addin and javacool doc scrubber? Otherwise javacool doc scrubber is a obselete product if its the same like microsoft addin.

    Thanks javacool

    LNGBRD Guest

    Yes, thanks, got that one.

    Was just wondering if someone might know something better/different.

  4. seamaiden

    seamaiden Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Fresno, California, USA
    If Doc Scrubber could be enhanced, then it would be a much better tool than the Office 2003/XP Remove Hidden Data tool from Microsoft.

    The Microsoft tool does not let you choose what you want scrubbed. It analyzes and scrubs whatever it finds. It may or may not scrub VB Macro Comments, depending on your security settings. It also does not allow you to specify names for Author and Company like Doc Scrubber does. Here is a partial log from the Microsoft tool.

    If Doc Scrubber could be updated to find the things that RHDtool finds in Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, then many Office users would benefit. Just let the user choose what to scrub instead of scrubbing everything. Also, let the user scrub and specify a title, in addition to being able to specify Author and Company.
    Last edited: May 29, 2006
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