Do you use Linux? If so what Distro? and Why? How long have you been using it? What percentage of the time do you use/boot into Linux when using your PC?
I prefer Mandriva (No particular reason - I also like SuSE) .... I use it 95% of the time my PCs are running. I've been using Linux for about a year, and am still learning every day. Currently I'm reading "Hacking Linux Exposed" to expand my knowledge. I'm still rather a noob, but learning very quickly. If anyone would care to suggested any reading material - I'm all ears.
I have and will be useing Linux again. I received from Novel a three cd set of novel desktop so I have to get busy and do a little partitioning and get it installed.
Hi, I use Suse installed and live and Knoppix live. I also have Ubuntu live, but I don't use it. I don't use them too much, since most of the games I like and play are Windows-based. Mrk
Slackware 10.2, because it is simply the best 100% true linux like distro out there. I also use Ubuntu because it's the best debian based distro out there. 5 years for Slackware, Ubuntu since it came out. 40% of the time in Linux, would be more except for the crappy ATI support.
I use OpenSuse 10 Started with knoppix live cd then jumped to Suse professional 9.0 about 1.5 years ago
On another machine I have a SimplyMepis liveCD install on a spare partition. Haven't had time to play yet - other than made sure it could use my router and monitor.
im currently trialing SuSe (for less than a week) now. I trialed it based on results from a Linux distro quiz. but afaik linux goes, im a complete n00b. i still need to do more research on installing apps and especially drivers.
since i installed Ubuntu i've booted into XP 3 times i think. twice to try and see if i could burn a cd i was having problems with and once to try out a windows imaging program. i totally love Ubuntu, anyone who hasn't tried Gnu/Linux is missing out. i've got debian, suse 10 and Mandriva on discs ready to try and Damn small Linux, Knoppix, Kanotix (?spelling), Linspire livecds and some others i forget. i'd like to try Auditor livecd too.
Xandros 3.0, and SuSE 9.2. Both are easy to use, and have a lot of features for everyday computing. The file manager in Xandros is very good, and Codeweaver stuff is helpful.
Long time since I touched Linux. Used Minix/Linux at Uni. Setup of couple of Servers running Slackware (web server and a quake server). Used to have a Win98 machine ( hated Win9 and a Slackware box that I spent as much time on. Also lucky enough to be able to remote login into Linux (inside uni) from dialup so used to be able to ftp big files at high speed rates to my user account whilst surfing the web at home and then collect them on floppy the following day. Once had to do some DB++ on a HP Mainframe... argggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. But I think for 5 years I've not touched Linux, mainly due to me working for a MS Loving Organisation (we are slowly moving to active directory network from netware). One of my Best friends loves (and works with exclusivly) Linux, currently one of the maintainers of Khaos, though the servers run on Slackware 10 (I think).
Yes, I also use the Slackware distro; particularly the Zipslack variant ... And until recently, I was used to use a Linux this way: I had a FAT32-formatted C:\ partition with Windows 98/SE (built "on top" of MS-DOS, or at least "cooperative" with it, if not on top), and an NTFS-formatted D:\ partition with Windows XP/Pro. In this double-booting system, I mostly run XP, but ocassionally I also booted to 98 for one legacy program I was using, and of course, to first boot into MS-DOS and then to Linux which is located under the C:\Linux\ directory. Even though I remember reading about the newer kernel-builds supporting the NT file-system; I would prefer to use Linux from FAT32-formatted partition anyway. However, this current setup of mine is quite old now, and in the mean time, my Windows 98/SE installation got screwed-up. So I am interested, is there an alternative way of booting into Linux in particular situation (maybe with Free DOS) ?? thanks, stalker
3 years later, I imagine this poll would have different results. Arch, Linux Mint, PcLinuxOS are what I use.
These old polls just won`t go away. Have Wolvix loaded on a 4th lap top. Does not see much use. Do have several live CDs used for file recovery etc. on hosed systems. Does that count?
I am using Ubuntu and have been using it for +three weeks now. Well, I have been trying it on and off shortly for a year or so through Wubi, but I took the leap and made a proper install with no regrets. Have not booted into Vista, which was may main OS before, since then. A couple of times a week I boot to my Windows XP gaming snapshot to play good old COD4. I have Ubuntu coz it is the easiest to understand, all is very easy for an old Windows user
Yes. The big daddy - Debian. Why? - Light, fast, secure, customizable, easy, massive repo, massive community and above all free plus loads more. Been using Linux on the desktop for about 15 months now and Debian for about 4 months exclusively unless using the missus XP laptop.