Sorry I ran out of options, but i think i covered most of the popular software used to manage cookies? IE 6 and Mozilla have very good cookie management functions good enough for 99.99% of people I think. Some of the cookie managers add some minor capabilities but are they worth using? Some other ultrapowerful cookie controls -Scan for "javascript" cookies (proxomitron,cookiecop) -covert cookies to session only(various) -cookie filtering on expiration date (cookiepal) -use of wild cards for filtering lists (various) -"fake" cookies -stats on cookies received/rejected.
I used Cookie Pal until a few weeks ago, I use IE´s built-in cookie manager now. Here´s why:;start=0 Here you can find some more opinions:;start=0 Regards, Pieter
Indeed. I came to the same conclusion myself. Altough your thread inspired this poll. I do a slight refinement though, I use proxomitron (for other features as well ) to convert cookies to session only. IE is then set to block cookies from third party sites and prompt on others. Maybe a bit overkill , but there are some cookies I don't want to receive even if it is session only. IE does allow accept session only cookies but that does nothing to the persistant ones that I want to keep for this sessiom but want to automatically expire after closing the browser..
I use the functionality in IE6 but take it a step further and import a custom XML file. This allows me to manipulate cookie management to what I want. Regards, CrazyM
Hi all, Does anyone know how I can keep Cookie Pal to work only for Opera and but out when I feel the (nostalgic) need to use IE. I would like to give the way Tony Klein posted in the other thread a try, but I seem to be unable to tell CP to stay out of it. I do not want to uninstall it completely. PS May the next year bring you everything you ever hoped for.
I use Cookie Pal for IE, but you could say that I also use IE Spyads as well, since it puts most of the tracking cookies in the restricted zone where they can't set cookies. Also, Spywareblaster puts some more cookies in the list to not allow them also. I'm using Mozilla as well, so it's built in cookie manager takes care of those cookies.
I used to have 'Cookie Wal' but I dumped it for no particular reason, now i don't have a cookie wall at all, I just go to options and dump the lot before I shut down. Is that good or bad? And what's this IE one or am I missing something here. By the way, there's nowhere on the Poll anyone not having a Cookie Snuffer at all. Regards Cochise.
Check out the thread referenced above. (Well, here now too: link) IE6's P3P controls (the Privacy tab in Internet Options in v6 of IE) are really quite good at managing cookies. It's one of the few improvements in the design of IE that really helps with privacy. (To say it more bluntly, it's something Microsoft seems to have actually done right. )
I've used Window Washer for a long time and find that it does an excellent job of, among other things, managing cookies - keeping just the ones I want and booting out the rest at each wash. Cheers
I use IE's built in cookie control and have it set to prompt on all cookies -maybe annoying at first, but well worth it IMO . Regards, Jade.