Do I still need Comodo?

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by zilla31, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. zilla31

    zilla31 Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    n00b to Appdefend/Regdefend. Quick question: Do i still need Comodo as part of my overall security package if i'm using Appdefend and Regdefend? Would it make more sense just to add a simple(r) FW like Ghostwall? Any thoughts here would be appreciated...

    PS - I did search and couldn't find much previously posted to help me... Though the Ghost website somewhat poo-poos the need for any additional FW (except recommending perhaps GhostWall).
  2. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Opinions vary as to how much security you need. Ghostwall is a simple inbound protection firewall. If you feel comfortable with that and you know how to respond to AppDefend/RegDefend alerts you are probably set. I feel better with an added anti-virus (KAV) and firewall (Outpost).
  3. zilla31

    zilla31 Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    So the next question i have (somewhat unrelated) is this: I have been enjoying reading through the very popular thread around here "What is your security setup these days?" and it seemed that toward the beginning EVERYONE had AppDefend/RegDefend listed and towards the end no one does... May mean nothing but an interesting metric possibly... Is there a reason?
  4. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    I started with ProcessGuard and RegDefend. I went over to AppDefend when it appeared DiamondCS (ProcessGuard) ceased operations and further development. I waited a year and a half before changing from ProcessGuard to AppDefend. Some people have stuck with ProcessGuard. Although the last update was issued two years ago it still works. Development of Ghost Security has been very slow and people are starting to lose faith that there will be further development. I haven't given up hope and have retained AppDefend/RegDefend as my HIPS program.
  5. zilla31

    zilla31 Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    So do you use a FW at all? I'm wondering if its overkill if i'm using AppDefend and RegDefend. Have you compared Outpost to Comodo? Outpost seems pretty damn popular among those in the know though i've never tried it. My problem with FW's is i get so busy i tend to just click "allow and remember my decision" on everything which kind of defeats the purpose... but i guess that's no different w/ AppD/RegD.
  6. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Yes, I am using the latest version of Outpost firewall. I have never tried Comodo firewall. You can find a lot of information about Comodo in this forum. I don't consider it overkill having a firewall and AD/RD on my machine. I am also using Kaspersky Anti-Virus. It is your comfort level and if the applications are compatible with each other.
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